Protecting and Preserving Your Photos and Videos Is Now Easier
If you’re like most people, your digital photos and videos are likely scattered all over the...
15 Free Logo Fonts for a Contemporary Logo Designing and Branding Strategy
There are many software applications available online that helps to create attractive logo fonts...
The Mighty Power of Music without Screens
For my 16th birthday, I got a Sony Discman. I remember thinking it was completely state of the art...
Add ACTIVITY to your Summer Bucket List with Fitbit Ace and Alta
I don’t know where you live, but here where I live it is HOT. I call it “God...
VR Point-and-Shoot Camera will Let You Rewind your Life and Relive Your Memories
Imagine taking a step into an episode of Black Mirror where you can capture all your experiences...
Photo Editing Mistakes to Avoid
There is probably no one in the world who can claim that all the photos that they’ve ever clicked...
Secretly Teach Kids to Code with Little Tinkerer MangoBot
A constant stream of Jimmy Buffet and the Beach Boys are on a repeating loop in my head. It’s...
Healbe GoBe2 is the Life Band to End All Fitness Trackers
I have a love/hate relationship with fitness trackers on the market. I have tried several different...
The Pros and Cons of Online Banking
Technology has made it possible to access your bank account and your money almost anywhere in the...
Logitech Harmony Elite is Alexa’s Best Friend
With three kids, three dogs, and a husband, my house is generally reminiscent of a barnyard...
Jaybird RUN has True Wireless Headphones
On Memorial Day this past year, I participated in my first ever race. After turning 40, I decided I...
Jenzy Steps Up Kids’ Shoe Shopping
Kid shoe shopping. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s not. As a mom, I never...