Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage


If you’re married, you know that your relationship with your spouse is one of the most important relationships in your life. Kids, if you have them, are also important, and so is your relationship with your biological family.

Your relationship with your spouse, however, may be the most important of all. A healthy marriage helps to raise healthy kids, so sometimes the best thing you can do for your children is to spend more time with your spouse. And when the going gets rough with family tension or aging parents, being able to lean on your spouse makes all the difference in the world. If your relationship with your husband or wife could use a little pepping up, consider these three ways of spicing up a marriage.

Take Lessons Together
Dancing lessons often appeal most to the wife, and less to the husband. If you, as the husband, don’t love the idea of dancing every week, think again. You get to hold the beautiful woman you fell in love with, impress her, and flirt. You might have two left feet, to begin with, but that’s what dancing lessons are for. Whether you live in Muncie, IN, or Gaithersburg, MD, you can find a dance center to help bring spice and romance back into your marriage.

If dancing doesn’t suit you (or your spouse), there are still plenty of other alternatives to learn a new skill together. You don’t have to be physically tied to one another to reignite your passion! The experience of trying something new can teach you things about your spouse that perhaps you didn’t know before, helping to spark a newfound interest in one another.

Perhaps try something a bit more physical, like learning a new sport or taking Advanced Surfing Lessons, as physical activity is proven to release endorphins and help you feel good overall. Now you’ll have the excitement of trying something new together, with an extra boost of feel-good endorphins!

Try New Things
One of the worst things that can happen to your marriage often isn’t a big, dramatic event… it’s letting things fade into a status quo. Once discovery is gone, the marriage tends to dull. There’s a complex world inside of every human being, and you may think you know your spouse–but you don’t know everything. Keep discovering each other. Have conversations regularly about things other than work or kids. Try new things in the bedroom.

Additionally, stop going on the same old dates and try something totally new. Investing some extra time and money into a spontaneous vacation can help to reignite your sense of excitement in one another. Plan a trip to a romantic locale, like Mackinac Island, where you can find a secluded Mackinac island hotel to cozy up in for the weekend. Just because you’re with the same person, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep discovering. Travel is a proven method of finding some excitement, whether in the location or in each other.

Invest in the Little Things
Sometimes, the big stuff (like your satisfaction in marriage) boils down to the small stuff. Take time every day to flirt and bond with your spouse, even in the tiniest of ways. Go to bed earlier so you can talk with him before you fall asleep. Leave her a note in her purse, or on the bathroom mirror. Text each other and make jokes all day. Keep holding hands. When you invest in the small details, it helps reassure both of you that you care deeply, and you’re committed to this special man or woman.

Your marriage is one of your biggest adventures. Marriages are never easy, but life wasn’t supposed to be like a fast-food drive-through. The most meaningful things take work, so the more effort you put into your marriage, the more you’ll get out of it. Really, a marriage is less of a happily ever after, and more of a challenge. It’s hard work. But it’s still a challenge that wins enough love and joy to create that “happily ever after” each and every day.

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6 years ago

i want to marriage we soon and this article informative for me.

Alexandria Martinez
6 years ago

I really appreciate what you said about bonding with your partner by flirting. This is a great tip for couples that are struggling to be intimate. My fiance and I will try out some of these tips to make our love life a little more interesting.

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