Berry Fusion Tea and Ice- 6 Steps to The Perfect Summer Drink!


It’s Finally beginning to feel like winter might be over! The first thing I do when the weather gets warm is make up a batch of iced tea. 

I’ve been limiting how much caffeine I’ve been drinking so I decided to swap things up and found the perfect solution- a fruited herbal tea.  The new Berry Fusion tea herbal blend from Twinings of London is perfect!

6 Steps to The Perfect Summer Drink

Now, don’t be intimated because you’re going to be making an iced tea. With just a few extra steps you will have a sippin’ specialty ready for some time on the porch!  There are a few tricks, but it’s really easy.

  1. Put a pot of fresh water on the stove to boil. What size pot? I don’t know. I use the macaroni and cheese pot- the one that fits one box, perfectly.   That pot.  Fill it ¾ of the way up and bring to a boil.
  2. While it’s coming up to a boil, unwrap 5 Berry Fusion tea bags. Smell them.  Enjoy the process because you can smell the SUMMER!
  3. Add sugar to the boiling water. How much depends on your taste. I don’t care for super sweet tea, so I add about 1/4 of a cup.  If you like Southern Sweet Tea, you’ll want a cup or so.  It’s all up to you! Stir until its dissolved.
  4. REMOVE THE POT FROM THE HEAT. This is important, people.  You do NOT want to boil your teabags. It makes them sad. Sad tea bags make for sad tea.  Summer isn’t sad.   
  5. Once you take it off the heat, add the teabags and submerge them. Let them steep for about 6-8 minutes.  Longer is fine!   HINT:  When you are making Iced Tea, you want it to be brewed stronger because as the ice melts, it will dilute the tea. Let it steep and become perfection. Trust me.
  6. Go get yourself a pretty glass, or even a mason jar, and fill it up with ice. Then pour the tea over the ice.  (Be careful pouring super-hot liquid onto the ice in a glass). If you want to get really fancy, you can add some fresh or frozen berries to your tea, too.

Your Berry Fusion Tea is ready.  Start sippin’.  Dream about Summer!

The leftover tea in the pot you can put in the refrigerator in a pitcher. 

There are a few new herbal blends from Twinings of London that I’m excited to taste- I think that the Lemon Delight herbal tea blend would be PERFECT brewed with a nice black tea, like Twinings Earl Grey,  for a mid-day pick-me-up! And the Buttermint herbal tea blend sounds like a delightfully refreshing cup to sip on as well. These two tea’s will be up next in my refreshing summer drink trials!

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What is your favorite, refreshing Summer drink?

About Author

Renee Kemper

Mother of two active teenagers, living in Arkansas with her Husband, she and her family are energetic outdoor enthusiasts. They can be found Camping, Hiking, Kayaking, and always finding new ways to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. A country girl at heart, but living in the middle of town, she has found creative ways to make the best of both worlds. Founder of and contributing author of The Mom Quilt, she writes and blogs about food, family, and their many adventures.

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6 years ago

Great thing in my opinion

6 years ago

Your article gives me another approach on the subject. I hope to read more articles from you.