Summer Vacation Budgeting Made Easy


With 43% of Americans stating that they can’t afford to go on summer vacation, a few smart budgeting tips might just afford them a blissful break. Family vacations should be filled with fun and excitement without the hassles of dipping into the red. Discover quick tips for maximizing fun, while stretching every dollar.

Check Out Whether Amenities Are Free At The Chosen Resort

A hidden fee that can creep into a budget is spending more than budgeted to make use of the facilities, such as pools, snooker tables, gaming rooms, and more. This can quickly add up when on vacation for a week or more. Set aside a certain amount of money for entertainment every day, and commit to stop spending once it has been used. On days where the money allocated isn’t used up, such as when attending free events, add it to another day in order to do something special off-site.

Make The Most of Vouchers and Membership Points

A sneaky cost that often manages to derail a vacation budget, is the cost of traveling. Whether driving with your own car or making use of a rental vehicle, fuel can do a number on the most carefully planned budget if not accounted for. Delays, impromptu excursions, and lack of a proper itinerary, all account for added travel spend. Car hire vouchers and travel rewards on credit cards can go a long way to bring this bill down. Making use of cheaper transport such as bikes and public transport may also provide a boost to the budget.

Watch Those Restaurant Splurges

On-premises restaurants and coffee shops are often the biggest costs that families experience at resorts. Then, there are also the unplanned stops along the way to refuel both the gas tank and bellies. Pack lunches for the family to save on these expenses, and try to make use of self-catering facilities when possible. When eating out is unavoidable, try sharing a platter, or order a selection of starters to fill up, instead of going with entrees. Snacks and beverages also tend to creep up and can be prepared ahead of time.

A workable vacation budget ensures that everyone has a good time, and worries about finances won’t steal the joy. A few savings here and there stretches the budget and allows some extra excursions. By allocating a portion of the budget to every area, running into the red becomes far less likely.  

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