Nectar of the Gods? No, Just a Really Great Mattress


My husband and I have been desperately needing a new mattress for years.  If I told you how we came to have our old mattress, you might cringe.  Basically, it was in the guest bedroom of a friend’s parents for twenty years and when they moved, they needed to get rid of it.  My husband and I, eager to spread out, jumped at the chance.

And ultimately shattered a few bones on the rock-hard surface. But that’s a different story.

Needless to say, the extra room to spread out was not worth the sacrifice in our sleep comfort. We spent years awakening to sore muscles and joints aching in ways that were akin to being run over multiple times by large rigs while we attempted to sleep.  

What’s worse, my husband is a flipper and a flopper.  He makes a lot of noise and a lot of movement trying to get comfortable. We slept horribly for years.  Until we brought home the Nectar mattress.

When you need a really good night’s sleep

365 Day Trial

I spent weeks researching mattresses, and ultimately, Nectar was in our top three.  What pushed me over the top and finally made me click the buy now button was the 365-day satisfaction guarantee.  Any company who guarantees their product for a full year has a lot of faith in their ability to deliver.  Most other mattresses offered some limited 60 or 90-day trials.  Nectar offers a full year!

How Does The 365 Night Trial Work – Tawney from Nectar Sleep on Vimeo.

The Nectar Difference

Let’s talk nuts and bolts.  Nectar is a direct-to-consumer product, which means you can’t just go to a store and buy it and then bring it home that day.  That also means that there are fewer costs to get passed onto the consumer.  It is compressed for shipping, rolled into a bed burrito (henceforth known as a bedrito), and then sent directly to your doorstep. 

Unpacking it is a lot of fun.  After opening it up, you simply unroll your bedrito and let it expand.  It takes a couple of hours, and there is definitely a smell that comes from the foam.  This is absolutely normal and not harmful in any way.  It may take a couple of days for the smell to dissipate.  Rest assured it will.  In fact, after just a couple of hours, we didn’t notice the smell at all.

Bedroom Nectar Mattress

Here’s what you all really want to know.  Is it worth it?  Is it comfortable?  Will I want to ship it back for a refund within the first couple of weeks?  Answering in order of asking: yes, yes, and no.  Nectar offered the hubs and I the most comfortable sleep we have had in a long time. 

We both have different requirements for what we want in a mattress.  He prefers a firm mattress.  I want to feel like I’m sinking into it.  Neither of us was disappointed.  It offers both support and comfort, so it feels soft while giving my husband the feeling of support he really wanted.  Nectar delivered far beyond our expectations there.

Layers of High-Grade Foam

Personally, I was a bit worried about a foam mattress because in previous foam mattresses I have slept on, I felt stuck.  Remember the waterbeds of old days? No? Me either.  I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I’m not nearly old enough to remember waterbeds.  Ahem.  From what people I know who are much older than I am told me about them, you could sink into a waterbed but then feel stuck so that it was hard to shift positions. 

In my experiences with other foam mattresses, I have had the same experience.  Additionally, I sleep hot.  I wake up sweating all the time.  It has nothing to do with my age and being old enough to remember sleeping in a waterbed.  I promise.  I just get hot when I sleep. 


Nectar Mattress Review

I’m a “one foot under the blankets and one foot sticking out” to achieve optimal temperature.  My body’s delicate HVAC system resides in my feet.  Anyway.  Back to Nectar.  This had none of those drawbacks.  Not a one.  The top layer is a gel memory foam that works at cooling so that people don’t feel like they’re baking in their own juices while they sleep.  That stuff works.

Tensile Cotton Cover

Another concern I have, especially when I’m dropping over a G on a mattress, is what sort of protection comes on the mattress.  Nectar didn’t disappoint there, either.  They have a tensile cotton cover that allows the foam to be reactive to the sleeper without restricting movement.  Even better, my husband’s nasty night sweating is caught by that cover before soaking into the mattress.  Win-win.

Fast Times at Nectar…

Now.  Something important that I know everybody is thinking but afraid to ask.  How are relations on this mattress? Lemme tell you.  Neither of us has any complaints in that department at this point, either.  Husband was a bit concerned a lot of his “skill” was a result of the old innerspring mattress doing the work.  It is not the case with the Nectar mattress.  

While you may not get the same sort of “bounce” you get from a traditional innerspring mattress, you still have some reaction so that coupling and canoodling are copacetic if you know what I mean. Wink, wink.

The absolute Nectar Takeaways

I am super mad I didn’t jump at the chance to buy this mattress a few years ago.  However, now that I have one, I cannot imagine ever going back to a regular innerspring mattress again.  There are a lot of technical terms I could throw at you about the breathability and benefits of specific types of foam over others, the tensile strength of the cotton cover, the thingamabobs and the widgets that make it like a flying carpet instead of a foam mattress. 

Bedroom Nectar Mattress

Instead, I’ll just tell you this: I never thought I would love a foam mattress and I was so wrong.  I never thought my husband and I would agree on a mattress that didn’t allow us to adjust our sides individually.  I was wrong.  This mattress is durable, high-quality, and most of all, comfortable.  I will be singing Nectar’s praises from here to eternity. 

NOW For the FUN part! Want a Nectar Mattress of your VERY own (that hasn’t been in Aunt Murdles spare room for 20 years….) Of course you do! Enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Author

Rachael Pineiro

You probably scrolled down here to read my "bio" because you're just dying to know what I'm all about, right? Yeah Yeah... I know. But I just haven't had time to do it between writing, and cleaning, and cooking, and being a taxi, and taking care of the dogs... and did I say writing? Anyway... check back later.

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Danielle Gould
6 years ago

I will definitely keep Nectar in mind when we are in the market for a new mattress. Does it keep you cool at night, too? I can’t stand anything that produces heat.

6 years ago

I appreciate this review because I’m actually just starting to research new mattresses for our move! Saving this page!!

6 years ago

A good mattress is must for a sound sleep. Good review of Nectar mattress, I will definitely check it out before I purchase one.

Jocelyn Rosnick
6 years ago

This sounds like a nice mattress for a variety of “sleepers.” When I was in the market last year, I had a heck of time trying to satisfy myself – a comfy, soft bed seeker and my boyfriend who likes to sleep on bricks. lol

6 years ago

Incredible post, you have pointed out some fabulous focuses

Essay Writing Serices
6 years ago

This looks like a perfect thing to see some new things have to be introduced here would love to see some more of these things here in near future thou

Ezy Shop
5 years ago

This sounds like a decent bedding for an assortment of “sleepers.” When I was in the market a year ago, I had a hell of time attempting to fulfill myself

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