Mathematic Mastery with Winward Academy


I am always looking for ways to improve my children’s education. One amazing opportunity for them as they near college prep is Winward Academy. I love online learning, as do my children. So this seemed like a no brainer for us. 

Caters to how they learn

Each child has their strong suits. My oldest loves Science, but my youngest enjoys Math. With Winward Academy I can get my oldest on track with Math! They have a Mathematic Mastery course that would suit her well. Each person learns differently. There are some who learn by doing, others that learn by watching, some by reading, and lets not forget those that learn verbally. They have something for everyone! 

There are details on how to answer practice questions. They come with step by step instruction in videos and to me that seems perfect. Lets your child slow it down to the pace that suits them best. Pause it or rewind it and watch it as many times as they need to get it! My daughter is a visual person and if she can watch it in a video, she can usually learn it almost effortlessly. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

They have many opportunities to practice. I think one aspect I like is they keep your mistakes in a mistake bank. I know what you are thinking, no one likes to see their mistakes. However this is a great learning tool. Your child can look back and see where they went wrong. It helps them to find those mistakes and be able to avoid it the next time they come to a problem like that one later. 

Mathematic Mastery from Winward Academy will have your child succeeding in mathematics in no time! Their grades will improve and possibly help them on their way to a scholarship and better college options.

If you are looking for more information on Winward Academy. Read my latest article: Get Your Athlete Ready for College

About Author


Mother of two beautiful daughters that keep her busy. She also has an eclectic home full of animals. Currently has 2 dogs Trixie (13 yrs old) a terrier mix and Willow (3) an Alaskan Malamute. There are currently 3 cats that own her Cali (16), Catniss EverPurr (4), and Fizzgig a kitten who is the biggest dictator of all. Last, but certainly not least, Morton a chinchilla (10). Wren enjoys home improvement projects and is always doing something on the fly if it is repainting all her cabinets or ripping out the carpets, she enjoys the challenge and loves improving her home. Most people on the internet know her as Leotastic or Leo for short. She streams video games on Twitch and/or Mixer and truly enjoys the community there. In her free time, she plays Dungeons and Dragons with her friends or goes out and sings terrible karaoke.

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Cristina Petrini
5 years ago

When I went to school I would certainly need it to improve my performance!

Fiona Cambouropoulos
5 years ago

Ah this sounds brilliant. So many of my children have struggled with maths and the GCSE here in the UK seems to get harder each year.

5 years ago

Winward Academy and Mathematic Mastery sounds like an excellent choice and programme for kids to improve on their skills. It makes me wish I was still back at school, as I was terrible at both math and science too lol!

5 years ago

I think this is a great resource to help kids gain an advantage that we weren’t afforded in the non-internet age. Any positive tool to help our children academically is a win-win!

5 years ago

I just love how organized you are.

Sondra Barker
5 years ago

This is awesome! It’s always great when you can easily access tools like this from home!

Yeah Lifestyle
5 years ago

Mathematic Mastery sounds like a very handy course to try from them! Anything that helps my child learn is fine by me.

5 years ago

This looks like a perfect place to enhance my kids’ knowledge in Math. I need to see more information.

Alexandra Cook
Alexandra Cook
5 years ago

What an awesome school. And seems like they are offering a great program for our future MAth wizards.

Jasmine Hewitt
5 years ago

this sounds great! i certainly could have used it when i was in school

5 years ago

It’s nice to have some tools that can help kids with their schoolwork. It is so frustrating when I can’t help my kids!

5 years ago

This sounds like a great program! I should look into it for my son.

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4 years ago

Perhaps this new method can improve math learning much more effectively.