Think of MemberWhen to Keep Your Memories with Mom for Mother’s Day


If you don’t remember me talking about MemberWhen last month you can read about their company here.  

About MemberWhen

This is how MemberWhen works.  You want to choose several participants, (3 is a great number but you can use more).  MemberWhen speaks with each of them over the phone in 15-20 minute conversations.  Then they go in and edit the audio, include music and also narration.  After they are all done with the process they will deliver you a wonderful audio episode on your own personal website.

MemberWhen for Mother’s Day

If your family is anything like mine, when we get together we talk about “remember when”.  I grew up as the oldest with a younger brother and sister.  We were lucky to grow up with 2 parents that have been married now for 50 years, so you have to imagine the memories that we have collected throughout the years.  


My Mom and I are very close.  So close that we chat every day it seems, and as a family get together at least 2 times a month.  There will come a time when my Mom isn’t here anymore which I try not to think about but it is a fact.  My Mom will be 70 the day before Mother’s Day this year and to capture memories is very important.  That is where MemberWhen has such a unique concept.  You can have MemberWhen record a conversation with each of your siblings and yourself then they will do the rest.  What a great gift to bestow on your Mom for Mother’s Day or even her birthday.  This is something that she will be able to listen to forever.  The audio episode will be on your own personal website for her to listen to again and again complete with music and narration.

Every year you can always do a new one to update the memories or include things you might have forgotten about the year before.  It will always be a new gift and be cherished forever.  You can listen to a clip below.

You can learn how to do this by visiting their website.  Start capturing your memories!

Visit them on their social media:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Website

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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7 years ago

I love that idea! We have an old video of my grandma and we love to watch it. It really brings back memories that my mom misses. I need to do this with my mother.

Mama to 5 Blessings
7 years ago
Reply to  Jeanette

What a nice gift. I love gifts like this that the gift keeps on giving. My mom would love this!

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle

That is such an amazing idea! It’s so important to create keepsakes like that for down the line.

7 years ago

It is so important, I agree. Memories are one of the sweetest gifts you can give.

7 years ago

That is great and you have a keepsake conversation you can listen to anytime. I think I will use it for my husband on his birthday which is coming up.

7 years ago

This is such a neat idea for the techies out there. I can think of a few sentimental people in my life who would love this!

Claudia K
Claudia K
7 years ago

I think this is a great idea. I am excited to check it out and give it a try. My Mom will love it.

valmg @ Mom Knows It All

What an interesting idea for a keepsake! Stories are part of how we preserve family traditions and keep memories alive so this would be great for some families.

7 years ago

This sounds like a great way to preserve memories in an unique gift

Amy Desrosiers
Amy Desrosiers
7 years ago

This service sounds awesome! I love that it capture voice…the best memories of my dad is his voice on video.

Mama to 5 Blessings
7 years ago

What a nice gift. I love gifts like this that the gift keeps on giving. My mom would love this!

7 years ago

This is an amazing idea! I would love to do this for my mother. It would be nice to be able to play it all the time. I love it!

7 years ago

I always say that the best things in life aren’t things. What a great way to record special memories!

7 years ago

I always say that the best things in life aren’t things. These memories are such a sweet gift.