123: Head Over Heels About Gymnastics


Chances are, if you have a young girl in your life, you’ve been asked begged if she can participate in gymnastics. It almost seems to be inevitable. There is such a lure, and not just for girls, as many boys find it fun too. While most parents would be delighted to accommodate, it isn’t always financially feasible.  A great alternative to gymnastic classes is Head Over Heels About Gymnastics!

Head Over Heels About Gymnastics
While gymnastics classes can be quite expensive – and let’s be totally honest – time consuming, there are other ways to learn the art. The step by step   Head Over Heels About Gymnastics books , cover all the basics.  These spiral bound “stand on their own” volumes teach:

  • Floor Skills (for ages 3 – 13)
  • Pair and Trio Balances ( for ages 6 – 16)
  • Floor Beam

Each volume builds upon the last, teaching the essential skills needed to become an accomplished gymnast. Perfect for tots to teens and all ages in between.  Instead of illustrations, author, Gemma Coles, uses full color photographs of like aged children.  These photos clearly outline the correct body positions and techniques for each skill to be learned.

Head Over Heels About Gymnastics

About the Author of Head Over Heels About Gymnastics

Gemma Coles resides with her husband and 3 children, in Bournemouth.  This is where she runs a successful gymnastics club. She wants to share the tips and hints that she has learned along the way.

Volume 1 begins with examples of  warms-ups and stretches, then youngsters move on to proper posture, jumps and rolls.  Moving along to volume 2,  Coles  provides insight on how two and three children can work together….stressing balance and trust in one another.  The last in the series concentrates on floor skills.

Head Over Heels About GymnasticsGymnastics is a wonderful form of exercise. Children develop strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and cognitive skills..  When working with other children, social skills improve as they learn cooperation and trust. And most of all gymnastics is FUN!

About Author


Libby wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Teacher*Friend*Animal Lover* Former Early Pregnancy and Childbirth Educator and Substitute Teacher (preK - 12) *Medically Disabled...SURVIVOR! Libby is very happily married to the love of her life (for 41 yeas), the mother of 10 grown children and "Nonnie" to 23 growing grand children. She adores animals, and is "owned" by two furbabies: Gung Poe Wigglebutt ( a Black Pug, who's mission in life is to be her shadow) and Gabriel, SD, CGC, PAT, (her Service Dog, who is a Chocolate Lab/Weimaraner mix). Libby also has two Red Eared Aquatic Turtles, Tucker and Turner, who couldn't care less about her, other than at meal times!

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7 years ago

I always love gymnastics when I was a kid I think my son would love it too just because it’s active and running all around and around which he loves to do.

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle

That’s really neat. A learn from home gymnastics book is ingenious.

Colleen Lanin
7 years ago

That is fantastic! Gymnastics classes can cost an arm and a leg. This is a great way to make bringing gymnastics to the kids super easy and affordable. Thanks!

7 years ago

My daughter has been interested in starting a gymnastics class. I will have to look into this for her.

7 years ago

That is pretty cool – I certainly could of saved some money on classes

7 years ago

I always wanted to join gymnastics as a child but my parents never wanted to spend the money because they thought that I wouldn’t stick with it. This book looks perfect for kids like that who are on the fence about it. They could try it out for a bit, and if they stick with it and like it, then their parents could pay for lessons.

Amy Desrosiers
Amy Desrosiers
7 years ago

This seems really fun! I know my girls are so into gymnastics and would love to do them!

7 years ago

My Daughter loves gymnastics and is on her schools team. It is a great form of exercise. This book is a great idea.

Shelley R Zurek
7 years ago

My daughter tried gymnastics for awhile, and she really loved how strong it made her. These books look interesting.

Cathi Crismon
7 years ago

This is brilliant! You are so right when you say that gymnastic lessons aren’t always affordable for everyone. Head Over Heels… Gymnastics makes it possible for all girls to live out their dreams!

Dawn Lopez
7 years ago

What a great idea to make such easy to follow books about gymnastics! I like the style of them too. The pictures look very clear and make the concepts simple to understand.

7 years ago

My daughter was interested in gymnastics when she was younger. She did it for a year but due to cost, we had to stop. These books would have been great back then.

Alicia Gonzalez
Alicia Gonzalez
7 years ago

I just love this! So many children do well with visual prompts and lessons. It helps to pull the information all together for them so they can process and execute. What a great product.

Toni | Boulder Locavore

I wish my daughter had tried gymnastics! Such a great way to exercise and is really fun!

7 years ago

My daughter loves gymnastics! I’ve got to check this out!

Kelly Hutchinson
7 years ago

My son was always interested i gymnastics when he was younger. My daughter, not so much! This looks like a great way to get the kids active!

Kelly Hutchinson
7 years ago

My son was always interested in gymnastics when he was younger. My daughter, not so much! This looks like a great way to get the kids active!