Reasons to Become a More Tech Savvy Person


Are you still the kind of person who prefers to stick to the analog lifestyle? Does the prospect of relying on technology scare you a little? If so, you’re not alone. Despite everything you hear about technology taking over our lives, that’s simply not the case for everyone. However, you can definitely benefit massively and in all kinds of ways from becoming a more tech savvy person.

If you’re still not convinced, we’re going to see if we can win you round to this way of thinking. From safety and security to your ability to lead a happy and fulfilled life, technology can help, assist and enrich you in so many ways. It’s not something that should ever be dismissed out of hand. There are so many reasons why you should turn yourself into a more tech savvy person, so read on to find out about them.

Your Life Will Become More Efficient

Technology has the power to make your life more efficient, and this is true in so many ways. You should think about how your life is currently inefficient and ask yourself whether a stronger understanding of technology might be able to change that. This can apply to the smallest and simplest things, such as cooking rice to perfection in a rice cooker. But it can also apply to bigger things like installing a smart thermometer in your home or other smart home tech like that.

You’ll Become a Better Parent

Having a stronger understanding of technology can even make you a better parent. That might sound like an extravagant claim, but it’s pretty obvious when you stop to think about it. Kids use technology, even if you don’t. So by understanding the tech they use and what they do with it will help you to keep them safe. Kids can be very vulnerable when using the internet via their tech gadgets. Without that understanding, your kids will remain vulnerable and no parent wants that.

It’ll be Easier to Avoid Cybercrimes

Avoiding cybercrimes is something that many people want to do but don’t know how. If you know a bit more about software and staying safe online, you will be a lot less likely to become the victim of a cybercrime. It’s all about learning and finding out about how cybercrimes work and what you can do to secure your technology and prevent hacks, viruses and anything else that might cause you problems. When your knowledge of this stuff increases, so will your security.

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Potentially Work From Home

If you become more comfortable using technology on a day to day basis, you might also eventually become able to work from home. This is something that many people like the idea of, but you can only do it if you have the right technology in place, you know how to use it and can troubleshoot basic problems. That last point is important because when you’re not in the office, there’s no tech guy that can quickly fix things for you when you have a problem with your computer.

It Could Help Your Future-Proof Your Career

Your career might be impacted by the technological turn that the world is taking, and you don’t want to be left behind. You can pick up some new tech-centric skills that allow you to advance your career and make it future-proof. You could complete something like a Laurier University online Master’s of Computer Science and completely change your career path. By doing this, you’ll ensure that your career is fit for the future and won’t be made obsolete. It’s a major source of concern for many people, so why not remedy it?

You Can Make Your Home Safer

Home security is obviously an important issue for the vast majority of people. You want to do everything you can to make sure that your home is secure, as well as everyone inside it. These days, security systems are becoming ever more advanced and many of them use quite complicated technology now. By embracing that technology, you can improve the safety and security of your home, so it would be stupid now to, right? Never take half measures when it comes to your safety at home.

Communicate Better

Like it or not, technology is a big part of how most people communicate on a day to day basis now. You might prefer direct interaction but if you’re going to successfully navigate the modern world, you need to know how to connect and communicate with people via more modern means. It’s in your best interests to learn how to use modern messaging platforms like Whatsapp. It might also help you to stay in more frequent contact with family members you don’t see too often.

Don’t Get Ripped Off Again

You might have been paying more for things that you need to if you haven’t yet started making the most of price comparison websites. For many people, they’re the best thing about the internet. But if you’re not yet aware of them and you don’t use the internet to your advantage when buying things, you’ve been missing out massively. Start using them and never pay too much or get ripped off ever again.

Discover New Creative and Artistic Opportunities

Finally, don’t ignore the new creative and artistic opportunities that can come with being more tech savvy. If you always used to enjoy drawing with pencils and paper, you can return to this hobby via more modern means. Graphics tablets have replaced pens and paper. You draw on the pad with an electronic pen and what you draw then appears on the computer screen that it’s connected to. And that’s just one example of how you can use tech to get creative and artistic.

You’ve got a lot to gain by learning more about technology and becoming a generally more tech savvy person. The world is only going to become more technologically advanced in the years ahead of us, so it makes sense to get up to speed now rather than feeling like you’ve been left behind later.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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6 years ago

I study at this Laurier University online Master’s of Computer Science. I really like this university, but I ask professionals to write me an essay, because I work to pay for my university. Every free minute I look for a way to earn.

Marcie W.
5 years ago

Wonderful suggestions! With technology going from a luxury to a daily necessity, it’s important to stay up to date on new developments while continuing to learn.

5 years ago

Hi Ladonna. Great article. I especially like that it helps with living efficiently. There are tons of apps and tech advances now that can help with this which we should all take advantage of.

Kristine Nicole Alessandra
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
5 years ago

I do feel technologically challenged at times but thankfully, my son is a geek when it comes to stuff like this. I am still learning, and I am loving the convenience of advanced technology we have nowadays.

5 years ago

The more technologically savvy I become, the easier my life becomes. Now I have apps for everything and it keeps my life in order. Plus, I have my parents going down the same path!

emman damian
5 years ago

Work from home is a good option for me since I’m also studying. I think knowing technology is nice but with moderation too.

5 years ago

Technology is changing lives. I am so happy it has helped me work from home!

Nee Apps
5 years ago

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5 years ago

Great article, thank you for sharing. But I’m afraid being a tech-savvy won’t help you to avoid cybercrimes because hackers are much more experienced in using different technologies. I think our safety on the internet mostly depend on programming companies like, who develops the security apps and software for peoples’ use.

5 years ago

I impressed with your work on this topic, You have shared very impressive information and suggestions they amazing and very help us. This article is very Useful for me. Thanks for this.

Amelia Wang
Amelia Wang
5 years ago

Your knowledge about books amazes me! You are a very wise person and I hope that will help you find your next book to read. I am sure that you will be even smarter over time.