How to Plan the Perfect Summer Party


Summer is almost here. Before you know it, it will be time for flip flops, hot sun, cold drinks, and relaxing in a hammock. If you’re finally ready for cold days and muddy grass to be over, then it’s time to get excited about the arrival of summer. One of the best ways to celebrate summer is to host a party with family or friends, and this year it might be time to create the party yourself.

Whether it’s a reunion with your best college friends, a Fourth of July party, or a thank you for your business associates, the following tips will help you out.

Save the Date

When planning the perfect summer party, it’s important to pick the right date. If your guest list is small and specific, you’ll need to hash the date out together. A college reunion depends on most people being able to make it, and for that summer party, you and your buddies should figure out a date all together. A business thank you, on the other hand, should be on a convenient weekend, several weeks in advance, so guests have time to add it to their schedule. You won’t have a party if your guests can’t make it!

Pick the Location

After you set the date, it’s time to choose a location. (This sounds a little bit like planning a wedding, doesn’t it? Don’t worry–it won’t be that much of a pain.) You may choose your own house. You may choose a large cabin for your college reunion, or camping around Hervey Bay.. Don’t underestimate the value of the right location, since your style of party will be affected by the place where you all get together to celebrate.

Get Everyone Involved

Once you have the date, it’s important to make sure your entire guest list is coming, or at least a good portion of it is. If this is an informal gathering, with family or friends, start to get them involved in the planning process. Ask people to bring meals, come up with game ideas, or scout out activities near your campsite. Send reminders, funny polls, and entertainment reveals as the event gets closer. Whether formal or informal, your guests should feel excited about and invested in your project.

Plan the Menu

No party is complete without food. Your style of party will help determine your menu. Camping? In that case, it should probably be every person for him or herself. Staying in a cabin? Have people sign up for specific meals so you don’t have an unplanned dinner. Fourth of July party? Start an online potluck signup so people don’t double up on the sides they bring. Business thank you? Hire a caterer, whether it’s snacks or a full meal. Just about any party will benefit from drinks. Try a beer and beverage distributor in Santa Rosa to make sure your party is a hit.

Plan the Entertainment

Food and a venue aren’t enough; there has to be something to do. At your Fourth of July party, you can open up the backyard pool, or have games out in the yard. Camping or a cabin offer up the option for hiking, fishing, or even spelunking. At your business thank you, you may want to hire an entertainer. Whether guests are staying up to watch the fireworks, or getting their dance moves on, think of all the details. Buying glow sticks in bulk could be a great move if your party will take place at night. Make sure you have your entertainment planned, in both large ways and small.

Have a Good Time

At the end of the day, your party should also be fun for you. In the same way that a bride shouldn’t be stressed on the day of her wedding, you shouldn’t be stressed on the day of your party. Make your plans carefully, be prepared for some mishaps… but ultimately, you should have as good a time as your guests. Make sure you don’t overplan or feel too responsible for the success of the party. Once guests start to arrive, start to relax. Your work is over, and it’s time for you to enjoy your party alongside everybody else. Whether you’ll dance on the dance floor with glow sticks, set up your tent, or have more fun than the kids in outdoor party games, make sure you enjoy your event.

Planning a summer party isn’t easy, but it’s always worth it. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the sun (or air conditioning), summer food, and summer vacation. People want to do fun things in the summer: go swimming, go on vacation, grill out. Start with the date and the right guest list, and work your way towards having a great time yourself.

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Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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