Moms, Careers, and Shared Home Management


Home management was previously regarded as a specific job for the lady of the house; in fact, it was supposedly the primary job of a wife. However, this notion already had its day — at present more than half of mothers with young kids in the US are already working. The idea of working mothers, however, is nothing new. During World War II, for example, as most men were serving in the military, a huge number of wives had taken jobs that were supposedly for men. Jobs like welding and other masculine jobs were filled by women. This kept the wartime economy afloat without women neglecting their families and children.

The contemporary world, however, has gradually seen a blurring of the lines that delineate what feminine and masculine jobs are. Hence, home management is no longer a task solely attributed to a wife, but is a responsibility of both partners. Moreover, many married young women nowadays have their careers. Making a living for the family is no longer solely the task of the husband. Instead, it’s a shared responsibility between a couple.

Moms and Home Management

If you are a working mom, you would surely understand that your job does not end after you clock out. In fact, when you get home you would still need to attend to some chores–especially if you already have kids. Keeping kids from accidentally setting the house (or one another) on fire, preparing dinner, running the dishwasher, or whatever else needs to get done before going to bed. During your weekends, you would surely be very busy juggling your time among different household obligations. Despite the blurring of duties and functions between a husband and wife, women still seem to have more responsibilities in managing a home.  

While in many households, some DIY domestic tasks are best left to the hubs. Stuff like fixing a leaking pipe, remedying an electrical short circuit, and engaging in other minor repairs, it’s generally ME, the wife, who notices these issues. In fact, even in the process of deciding to move to another city like Atlanta, for example, it is usually the mother who is likely to have the final say on which Atlanta area homes for sale should the family move into. After moving into a new house, it is likewise still the mother who directs and manages the arrangement of the house. With all these home chores and decision-making on their shoulders, the responsibilities of working moms are further amplified.

Sharing the Burden of Home Management

Simple responsibilities, however, can be readily shared with other members of the family to ease moms of some of the workload. Moms must simply talk it out with their hubbies regarding home management. Moreover, both parents can direct and enable their kids to be responsible for some aspects of home management.

Moms who are working must be capable of readily adjusting their schedules. They are required to strike a balance between being a career woman and tending to their kids. Striking a balance between these two priorities may be the most difficult part of being a working mom, yet there are lots of executive moms who are very successful in finding this balance between their careers and their domestic responsibilities.

About Author

Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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