How to Start a Successful Mom Blog


If you want to start your own mom blog this year, you should even if you are not tech savvy. People who know nothing about tech can still start their own blogs successfully. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Figure out Your Niche

When thinking about starting a blog, you need to know what you want to write about before you go any further.

You will find your niche by asking yourself these questions:

What is my passion? – You should start writing about something that interests you if you want to keep writing for years to come. If you start a blog on a topic that you are not passionate about, you might end up hating it and this will not bode well for your readers.

Is there a need for the niche? – To find out if there is a need for your niche, you should hit up the search engines. Just type a keyword that summarizes your blog to see if people are asking any questions about the topic.

Can you monetize the niche? – The whole reason for starting your own blog is to make money. Therefore, you should figure out whether the niche that you are interested in can be monetized.

Choose a Platform for Blogging

There are different blogging platforms to choose from, but you have to figure out the right one for you.

They include: – this is the most popular platform for blogging and it allows you to create a blog on your own. This platform gives you control over your site and comes with a variety of themes from which you can choose.

Wix – This hosted platform allows you to build websites using drag and drop tools. The platform is highly customizable and has an easy setup.

Blogger – this free blog hosting service offers a quick way for people who are not tech-savvy to create blogs. The best thing about this platform is that you can manage and use it even if you do not have technical skills.

Select a Domain Name

This is where you should let your creativity show by coming up with a blog name that is catchy. If possible, you should include your niche in the domain name. Although you should not spend days thinking about the best name, make sure that you have several names in mind in case your favorite is already in use.

Start Creating Content

Once you figure out your niche, finding topics to write about should be easy. You do not have to write a post daily because you will end up putting too much pressure on yourself. You can start by writing a blog post once in a fortnight until you gain enough confidence to write more.

If you do not have content for a specific week, you can always post a video or Twitter update to let your readers know that you are busy. When you are honest with your bloggers from the beginning, your blog will attract more followers.

Network with Other Bloggers

Blogging can be very lonely if you are just doing it by yourself. Although you have to be alone for significant amounts of time as a blogger, you need to establish connections with your peers. When first connecting with bloggers, you should establish some common interests to ensure that you have something to talk about with each other.

The best way to establish a connection with other bloggers is by giving them an opportunity to write guest posts on your blog. In return, the bloggers can allow you to write guest posts on their sites, which will increase your exposure and readership.

Build a Following

The best way to build a blog following is by writing unique topics. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing, you should think about new angles that you could take when exploring a topic. Moreover, you should find out what the needs and wants of your target audience are and cater to them. If you are uniquely qualified to give them information, you should do it.

You can also gain more followers by joining social media sites and interacting with people. If somebody asks a question that you know the answer to, you should showcase your expertise. You also need to use keywords correctly to get a good ranking on search engines.

Start Making Money

When you start your own mom blog, you can make money by selling products, doing sponsored posts, and accepting ads from advertisers. You should not just depend on one tactic to make money – you should try multiple methods to find the best one for you. If you want to be an affiliate marketer, you can join a number of programs then post the links on your blog.

Whenever your readers click on the links to buy the products, you will earn a commission. You can also start selling digital products such as eBooks and premium content. If you have a passion for writing, you can even grow a fan base online before you start publishing hard copies.

Bond with Your Readers

After you build a mom blog from scratch, you do not want to lose your audience due to lack of engagement. To engage your readership, you need to write conversationally because nobody wants to connect with a corporation. You need to write as if you are speaking with a friend and offering sound advice.

Content marketing does not only have to be about teaching, it can also be about inspiring others to change their lives for the better. You can do this by empathizing and showing them that you understand what they are going through now. You should also offer some tips on how to handle different situations.

Creating a mom blog is not easy because you have to invest a lot of time and energy into it. However, this should not be hard to do if you are a stay-at-home mom. If you are on maternity leave, you can even quit your job once you start making money.

About Author

Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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Alison B
5 years ago

Great ideas, thanks! I’m not having much luck getting a following on social media but my blog is still pretty new. I’ll keep trying!

Alison B
5 years ago

Great ideas! I’m not getting too far with starting a following, but my blog thefulfilledmom dot com is still pretty new.

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