Where Art Meets The Road, McLaren


McLaren has been making absolutely stunning automobiles for well over a decade. They have dedicated countless hours to make some of the most stunning automobiles on the planet. And even though they strive for perfection in their automobiles, they also have seen a need for up-and-coming drivers. They know that the young will one day be the enthusiast of tomorrow and so they have designed and made several scooters, including the McLaren McS01 Scooter. This three wheeled scooter was designed to introduce the youngest of enthusiasts into the world of scooters. There is no denying that the three wheeled system is more stable and more forgiving for someone who is just learning how to ride a scooter. So if you have someone in mind who is just learning how to ride a scooter, or they want to learn, this is the perfect gift!

It has a telescoping sure-grip handlebar system that will move up or down to accommodate different drivers or to grow as they do. The McLaren McS01 Scooter is manufactured with a lean-to-steer system so that when they graduate to a two wheeled variation, it will be very intuitive for them to make the change. I wrote an earlier article about another one of the McLaren Scooters that would be an excellent choice when they do graduate to a two-wheeled scooter. Click on the following link if you would like to read that article: The McLaren McSO3 Scooter.

It also comes apart for easy storage or for ease of transporting it to another fun-filled adventure. And as you can see, McLaren proudly places their Official Logo on this scooter (and every scooter for that matter) because they are proud of their products. They stand behind their scooters every bit as much as they do their automotive products. I am happy to be the one to bring the McLaren McS01 Scooter to your attention because I know it was made well, and you are going to be proud of it as well. Oh yeah, I forgot, I was telling you about the features…

Okay then, the two-wheeled system makes the scooter easier to balance and with their ABEC-5 carbon bearings, it provides a smooth ride. As you can see in the picture, it is a work of art. Every bit as beautiful as it is efficient. The three points of contact is much easier to balance for your beginning scooter rider.

The steel deck has an anti-slip cover on it to help prevent accidents. You can see that it will help your feet grip the platform, and with the steel construction, it’s durable and will last a long time.

As you can see, the rear wheel has a fender which will keep the road dirt and mud from getting all over your child, but it is also a brake to help them stop when they need to. All they have to do is push on it with their foot. Depending on how hard they push, it will slow or stop.

The brake is another great feature. You can see that it has a gripping pattern on it so that you won’t slip off the brake while applying it. and it is big enough to find when you need it! Just another way to try to keep them safe while out exploring the world.

Well, without getting all technical, there’s not a lot else to tell you about the McLaren McS01 Scooter, except that it will give your child a lot of pleasure that cannot be measured. Unless you have a smile meter that can measure smiles. Oh yeah, and each one of the Officially Licensed Scooters has received a badge of approval from McLaren Automotive. Carrying with it an amazing history of design and performance. Just another way that McLaren shows their commitment to their customers and their communities.

If you would like to learn more about McLaren’s Scooters, just click on this link: McLaren and it will take you to their website. And if you would like to connect with their Social Media, just click on the appropriate icon below. Perhaps I’ll see you there!



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2 years ago

This car is quite safe and definitely suitable for young children

play snake
2 years ago

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