Teletubbies, Teletubbies, Say Hey-Lo!


Tinky Winky!  Dipsy!  Laa-Laa, Po! Teletubbies, Teletubbies, say hey-lo!

Let’s face it – when our kids are little, we LIVE the shows they love.  For the first 18 months of my daughter’s life, I heard that song every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY!  

She was obsessed with Teletubbies and would cry for her LaLa every day. She loved Teletubbies so much that LaLa made a surprise appearance at her first birthday party. As she grew older, she started watching more shows, and eventually, the Teletubbies weren’t on our tv much at all.  

Then, it seems like they were just a distant memory. (they all do grow up at some point, dang it).  I missed it, to be honest, but I thought I wasn’t going to see it again until my friends started having babies, and I found WildBrain.

WildBrain is a fantastic resource for parents. Their channels on YouTube make it easy to find all the best shows you know and love for the little ones in your house, all in easy to find places so you spend less time looking and more time enjoying the shows!  

And, as if you really thought the Teletubbies could not get ANY cuter, WildBrain went and introduced BABY Tubbies! Are they not the most adorable? They have new episodes coming out weekly, and they are all language agnostic so they can be enjoyed globally. 

Teletubbies ★ NEW Tiddlytubbies Cartoon Series! ★ Episode 1: The Baby Bouncer ★

Plus, having shows on YouTube makes things SO much easier – you don’t have to wait for a broadcast schedule but watch when YOU are ready.  I especially love that there are updated versions of some of our old favorites, like Teletubbies! 

 I found one of my daughter’s FAVORITE episodes, Humpty Dumpty, and played it for my friend’s daughter.  Exactly, as I knew she would, she LOVED IT!   Not only was the original version there, but the cartoon versions, as well! We spent quite a while watching.

 I thought for sure that I had said “Bye-Bye! to my last Teletubbies episodes until I found WildBrain.  Now I can watch “Again, again!” with the newest generation of Teletubbies lovers!  

There are MANY cartoons out there today, but most of them I am just really not a huge fan of. I love that WildBrain brings some of the best cartoons to children in such an easily consumable way – easy for them and easy for us. THAT is a parenting WIN!

About Author

Renee Kemper

Mother of two active teenagers, living in Arkansas with her Husband, she and her family are energetic outdoor enthusiasts. They can be found Camping, Hiking, Kayaking, and always finding new ways to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. A country girl at heart, but living in the middle of town, she has found creative ways to make the best of both worlds. Founder of and contributing author of The Mom Quilt, she writes and blogs about food, family, and their many adventures.

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6 years ago

Amazing post, I’ve been looking for the answer for a long time.