Prepare Early For Holiday Travel with Kids


Though the seasons are just beginning to change, the holidays will be here before we know it. It’s time to start thinking about our plans for the upcoming holidays, like Thanksgiving and Christmas. As many of us have family all over the country and even the world, this is prime time to pack up and head out to visit loved ones. Or you may just want to take advantage of the time off from school and work for a fun vacation. Whichever you are doing, here are some of our best tips for planning holiday travel with Kids.

Have a Safe, Portable Booster Seat

If you are flying with younger kids, having a safe, portable booster seat is a must. Odds are you will need to rent a car, hail a cab, or use some other form of ground transportation to get from place to place at your destination. BubbleBum Inflatable Booster Seats are a perfect solution, as they pack easily for flights and inflate and install quickly and simply. Plus, if you have multiple kids, you can fit three boosters across the back seat in many vehicles.

Time Holiday Travel with Kids Carefully

There are a lot of moving parts to consider when booking flights or planning when is the best time to hit the road for holiday travel. If your kids aren’t great in the car or on a plane, you might want to time your travel to their sleep schedule. For other children, leaving in the afternoon to arrive around bedtime can be the right solution. Then, they’ll get a full night of sleep and then wake well rested for the first day of your trip. You know your family and their needs and habits best, so take those into consideration when making plans.

Plan Plenty of Downtime…for Everyone!

Between the excitement of the holidays and the busy-ness of any kind of travel, kids get easily overwhelmed. Be sure that you don’t overschedule your days, breaking them up with rest time, naps, and quiet activities. If staying with an older relative, consider planning a night or two in a hotel, just as a change of pace for the kids and to give them a break, as well.

Pre-Ship Any Gifts

If you’re celebrating Christmas away from home, it can be expensive to check extra bags with all of the gifts for everyone. And if you’re traveling by car, you may risk spoiling the magic for a little one if the “Santa” gifts are spotted. Instead, save yourself the hassle and likely a little money. Ship your gifts directly to your hotel or to a relative’s home. Remember, if shipping to the hotel, call first to see if there are any labeling procedures you should follow.

Beat the last-minute rush and start planning for your holiday travel with kids now. You’ll get the best selection on flights and hotels, plus you’ll have time to make sure that you have everything you need to make the trip go safely and smoothly.

Learn more about BubbleBum Inflatable Booster Seats on their website or via social media! Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


About Author


Shannan Powell is a mom of 3 boys, who has worked from home as a freelance writer and blogger since the birth of her middle son. Her spare time is spent volunteering with her son's swim team, reading, and binge watching random shows on Netflix.

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6 years ago

Those look great! These are a great answer to the problem of kids being caught between booster seat sized.

Aduke Schulist
6 years ago

This is an interesting product. I’d be curious to see how much testing it has been through compared to other seats comparable to this.

6 years ago

These are great tips for a safe and comfortable trip with kids. I am so agree for the must of a portable booster seat. Our kids must be safe wherever they are!

Run 3
6 years ago

I appreciate your preparation.

Ruth I
Ruth I
6 years ago

My sister is set to come home this October after 4 years and she did send the boxes ahead of time. It’s much easier and cheaper. Thanks for these tips!

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