Living the Bean – 6 Ways to Take Your Coffee Obsession to the Next Level


If your love for coffee goes far beyond trembling hands before you get your morning fix, then it’s time to feed your habit. Take your interest in this ground gold to the next level by trying any of these six opportunities to indulge your passion below.

Ditch Single-Use Cups

Every day, tens of thousands of disposable coffee cups are sent to landfill unnecessarily. You can do your part to reduce your environmental impact by investing in handy reusable coffee cups instead. Rather than contribute to the problem, you can choose from a range of reusable coffee cups that can last you several years. Moreover, by choosing your favourite design, you’re making your brew just that little bit more personal.

Get a Coffee Bean Subscription

If the fragrance of freshly ground coffee in the morning sets your heart aflutter, then you may benefit from a coffee bean subscription. Broaden your horizons by trying a different type of coffee bean every month. There is a complex science to growing different coffee beans, and the flavor sensation of each kind is sure to dilate your pupils and get your taste buds tingling.

Reuse/Recycle Your Coffee Grounds

After you’ve ground your beans and indulged in your morning coffee, it’s all too easy to tip the remnants into the trash.  However, if you’re an avid gardener or you know someone who is, your grounds can take on a whole new purpose. Using coffee grounds in your garden provides a whole host of benefits such as keeping away slugs and snails, and even deterring cats from using it as a litter box.

Take a Coffee Course

If you’ve mastered the inner workings of a home espresso maker, it might be time to step it up a notch. For those who have a little spare time and a thirst for knowledge (and coffee), perhaps it would be worth enrolling in one of the many available coffee and barista courses.

These courses will teach you about different coffee beans and brews, and even how to produce foam art. You never know, you might uncover new career possibilities.

Purchase Coffee-Themed Merchandise

If your love of coffee goes further than getting your hands on that morning brew, then why not start a collection of coffee-themed merchandise? By doing so, you’re kickstarting a new hobby while also losing your title for being that “hard to buy for” family member. Everyone will know that coffee is the key to your heart.

Grow Your Own

Coffee beans cost around $15 per pound, and while that typically equates to the low cost of 28 cents per cup, you could save even more money by growing the beans yourself. If you don’t have a green thumb, there’s still no harm in giving gardening a go. While it can be a complicated process, with aging seeds taking as long as six months to germinate, it can all be worth it when those beans start to grow. Even better, you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour by sipping on a freshly brewed coffee made with your very own beans.

If you want coffee to become a passion rather than just a morning obsession, why not look into the various ways you can nourish this love? Take note of these six options and benefit from a whole new appreciation for coffee.

About Author

Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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