How To Get Your Kid Into A Healthy Routine while In School


How well your kid eats and drinks while in school?

I’m sure you have asked yourself that question before. As a parent, sending your kid to school entail a whole lot of worries: are they blending in socially okay, will they get used to the routine of school, are they eating well and healthy and… drink water throughout the day.

Making sure my kids keep a healthy routine is very important but obviously not always as easy due to the ‫different temptations they encounter throughout the day.There is one thing that enabled me to stay at ease when it comes to my kid’s hydration – Gululu– the interactive water bottle. Gululu, with its many advantages, helped me and my child acquire healthy drinking habits.

This unique bottle encourages kids to drink through a Tamagotchi like pet. As my child drinks water through the bottle, he bonds with the pet by helping it go through each level in an underwater game. In turn, I get a dedicated app that allows me to track my kid’s water intake.

When my little Danny got his Blue Gululu bottle, he was thrilled! 

I would like to share a few of the many advantages I discovered when using Gululu:

A. My kid LOVES water –  I’ve never seen him so excited by water, I didn’t even have to ask him to drink, he was just doing it!!
B. Danny sees the pet as a new friend and has developed a sense of responsibility for his pet as he helps it go through the underwater game and achieve more and more levels.
C. With the help of the dedicated app, I can follow my kid’s water intake. This is something I’ve never thought I’ll be able to do! Instead of asking him if he drinks water, I can just use the app!  

Gululu was a big game-changer in my life and in the way I take care of my kid. I hope it becomes yours, too. 

In addition, for every bottle purchased, Gululu is donating to build drinking water well for kids in developing countries, through its partnership with

Here’s a 10% off discount code you can use to purchase Gululu3NVMVQD3

Wishing your kid a successful, healthy, and fun rest of the school year!

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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