How To Choose The Best Double Stroller For Your Kids


A double stroller is one of the best gifts you can buy for your kid. You want to give your children to lead the happiest life, right? Well, double strollers have got you covered. There’s always something for everyone. From stylish designs and technical as well as aesthetic features, there are countless options to choose from. However, there are certain aspects you should take into consideration so as to land the best gear.

Here are some of the things to look for when shopping around for your children’s double stroller:.

The Activity of Your Lifestyle

If you’re planning to buy a double stroller, you should probably be active and always on the go! If you jog every day, you might need a reliable jogging stroller. Are most of your outings activity or errand-related? Well, double strollers have got you covered- you can now have fun while keeping your little angels around. Choose a stroller that’s more sleek and convenient for use in malls, museums, as well as grocery stores.

Your Kids’ Ages and Weights

Before purchasing a double stroller, consider checking the age as well as the weight limit. Get something that’s versatile enough to accommodate all your children, whether two or three. A double stroller that features the Pivot Xpand option can be a nice option as it allows for seat expansion. Plus, you can utilize the two seats at the same time.

Consider the Width

The width of your double stroller is extremely important. Measure some of the doors you commonly pass through and pick a gear that’s slightly tinier than their width. Will you in the position to bring it to dentist visits, the church or swim lessons? Width is a big factor, especially during winter when most activities are done indoors. Settle for a gear that readily fits through any standard door.

Prioritize Maneuverability

Of course, a double stroller may not look bulky but this doesn’t necessarily mean it will be easy to move around. So, before purchasing any stroller, try it out personally. Pay close attention to how easily it maneuvers through sharp corners. And if you can’t try it physically, read as many online reviews as you can.

Whether you’re walking in crowded places or across cramped store isles, the double stroller you purchase should make it easier for you to maneuver.


Get a double stroller that’s able to transition with your child’s growth. Of course, your child won’t be an infant forever, and as they grow older, you’ll want something that transitions with them. So, look for a stroller that makes it easier to reconfigure the seats. Each attachment can be fitted with a seat or the child’s car seat. Pivot Xpand, for instance, can be a nice option. Your children can either face forward or backward. Plus, the seat itself moves in all directions and can be completely reclined. Not only that you can also unclip a strap at the stroller’s bottom, transitioning its seat into a flat-lying, bassinet form. Imagine having a double stroller with over 22 unique configurations to fit into a wide combination of kid’s ages as well as weights! Fantastic, right?

Your Proffered Bonus Features

When it comes to double strollers, the most important ‘bonus’ feature is storage. Having extra storage underneath can really prove beneficial when you’re lugging around heaps of baby gear. Cupholders are also a great addition. This is where you’ll put your keys, phone, plus the baby’s bottle.

Purchasing a double stroller with such additional features can be amazing. It will offer optimal convenience, and reliability. So, what are you still waiting for? Go ahead and make that bold purchase for your baby!

Flexibility is Key

When shopping around for a double stroller, look for one that features a height-adjustable handlebar. Best double strollers are flexible. This will make it easier and more comfortable pushing the stroller. Besides, you should check if there are any loud noises which could disturb your children.

Another thing is the type of the folds offered by the stroller. Look for a double stroller that’ compact and can easily be folded. Remember, it’s you who’s going to carry he babies around, so take your time and test various designs until you find the perfect option.

The double stroller you settle for should also come with additional space for putting stuff. The provision of a basket would be an incredible addition. Ensure that space is big enough for all your needs.

Setting and Wheels

Rubber-coated plastic wheels usually work well in the city. Nonetheless, if you’re more active or reside in a rural area, compressed-air-filled (pneumatic) or foam-filled tires provide a smoother ride. There’s also a newer feature referred to as the inline-skate-style, where the double stroller’s wheels are designed to roll smoothly and more quietly.

When it comes to seats, most double strollers feature car seats or bassinets for newborns. Some models also have extendable seat as well as footrest features to keep their little ones comfortable as they grow.

Most double strollers are outfitted with shocks to offer your children a less bumpy ride, especially when you’re walking along suburban pathways or navigating busy city sidewalks.

Brakes and Locks

Some double strollers provide the flexibility for users to lock the wheels at the handlebar, whereas others feature a foot brake plus lock. Besides, most three-wheeled strollers come with a front-wheel lock for enhanced stability during long walks. Check out different models to see the options they got to offer and choose the one that perfectly suits your needs.

The Bottom Line

With countless options available on the market, choosing a double stroller can be quite a daunting task. You may find it difficult choosing the perfect stroller for your family. With the above tips in mind, however, things can be a little simpler. Taking the above aspects into consideration when shopping around for a double stroller can go a long way in helping you make a perfect choice. Shop wisely for a memorable experience.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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