Foam Letters Bath Toy – Bathtime has never been so fun!


Bathtime for your little ones will never be the same once you welcome this Foam Letters Bath Toy into your life! Remember those days of trying to convince your little ones to take a bath? You won’t have to do convincing any more because they’ll actually WANT bathtime to happen just so they can play with these amazing bath toys!

Foam Letters Bath Toy – Educational and Entertaining

Each bath toy comes with 52 pieces of which 26 are letters and the other 25 are animal puzzle pieces. Not only will they love how they feel, but they can work on their spelling and creativity skills as well! 

Who knew that bathtime could be so educational? Plus, they are perfect for ages 3 and up and were designed in the USA!

Once your toddler adds these fun bath toys to their bathtime, they’ll soon discover that once they are wet, they’ll actually stick to the walls of the tub! (as long as it’s flat and smooth) Ask them to spell out words or put together a puzzle ON THE WALL. They’ll get an absolute kick out of that! 

With these Foam Letter Bath toys, bath time can actually be learning time as well. Practice teaching your preschooler their alphabet, colors, and spelling of words with this great learning activity. Plus, having your toddler use and play with these toys in the bath is a great way to develop their fine motor skills, too! 

Who says that bath time can’t be fun and educational, combined?!

There’s so much to love about these Foam Letter Bath Toys!

The great thing about having these toys in your tub? Is that you don’t have to actually have them “in” your tub! When bath time is done for your little one, you can gather them up and have them placed neatly in the netting provided so that they can dry and are out of the way. 

Then, the next time that bathtime rolls around, all your child has to do is get them out of the storage net and splash and play away!

Give your little ones the gift of toys for the bath! They’ll love to play, you’ll love that they’re learning, and it’s the perfect way to get them excited about time in the tub!


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