Family Wellness with Elepho


Okay, so let’s talk about the Elephant in the room! Elepho is a well established company that offers innovative child and baby safety products. They are allowing parents to keep their families safe and healthy, which is so very important, not only now, but anytime.

I don’t want to minimize any of the Elepho products because all of them are equally important, but for now, I am going to hone in on one of their products in this editorial; the eClip. Here is the link to their site if you would like to see their other products:

I also want to say before I get started, that forgetting your child’s needs for a short period of time doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent. And for those of you who never lose track of anything, that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen in the future. I just want you to have an open mind and know that Elepho has been thinking about how to make things safer and better for many, many years.

Your child is obviously your most precious cargo. What parent doesn’t want the best for them and will place their safety above anything else. Well, that’s exactly how Elepho feels. They have been spending countless hours innovating new ideas on how to keep our children safe.

Most of us have had the opportunity to meet our grandparents and perhaps even our great-grandparents. And if we look back to sixty years ago, life was so much different. Few TV’s, the radio was probably the biggest distraction. No computers, cell phones, or internet. Well, and people probably didn’t travel as much either. Aside from that, the mother almost always was a stay at home mom with only one mission in life; keeping the children safe. Hey, if I only had one thing to do, I could do that too.

Today, most parents both work. Some have more than one job. Add in a social life with internet, cell phone apps and conversations on multiple social media platforms; need I go on?!? Yeah, so occasionally we all have a momentary laps of reason. With eClip, it’s no sweat. They do the thinking for you. And for about the price of one trip to the fast-food restaurant down the street, you can have Elepho remind you every time you forget.

Now I’m not saying that it is part of your child’s DNA after purchase. You still have to remember to clip it on to your child and turn it on, but it works by Bluetooth and pairs with the app on your phone. And it works with Apple Phones as well as Android Phones.

Let’s say you go to the Mall and you get out of the car like you have 900 other times and guess what? You start to walk away from the car, just like you did the other 899 times. Well, the eClip app (which can be for Android and iOS devices) connects to eClip via low energy Bluetooth (BLE) and automatically notifies you if you move away from your car without your child. The app also allows you to set temperature alert levels, offers a wide range of alert sounds and even allows you to add your baby’s name and picture. Another great feature in the app is that it monitors the eClip battery and tells you when to replace it.

Simply attach eClip to baby’s car seat, diaper bag or seat belt and connect it to the eClip app. The app will alert you if you move more than 25 feet from the vehicle or if the temperature in your car is too hot or too cold.

In the last 20 years, more than 850 children have died from heatstroke in hot cars due to forgotten baby syndrome. While we know parents would never knowingly put their children in danger, statistics show that even the most loving parents have faced terrible tragedies. The people at Elepho wants to help you avoid what could happen to anyone. Here is their link: 

I hope you found this helpful…

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3 years ago

This sounds wonderful. I wish I had this back when my kids were younger. I’ll have to share this with other parents.

Monica Simpson
Monica Simpson
3 years ago

What a super helpful gadget to have! So many new things have come out since I’ve had babies.

Amy Liu Dong
3 years ago

Such a great and helpful device. Kudos to the creator of this device. Amazing!

singapore online bet
3 years ago

I really love the information. It was such a wonderful picture taken a long time ago. Thank you for sharing.

3 years ago
3 years ago

such a great and helpful device. Kudos to the creator of this device. Amazing!

Naila Danwer
Naila Danwer
3 years ago

Woow its very good idea ,i will use this with my son.

Jersey Shore
3 years ago

It is good to live in the world of modern technology

Neva Murray
Neva Murray
3 years ago

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3 years ago

 Thank you so much for sharing this amazing information, please keep sharing…

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