Calling All Chicken Enthusiasts These Books are For You


Disclosure:  I received the books mentioned in this post in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Calling All Chicken Enthusiasts These Books are For You

Even though I will admit chickens make me a little nervous, my Mom loves hers.  She has had them for a few years now and they are like her own little babies.  She has Barred Rocks and I will say I think they are beautiful.   She has raised them since they were just baby chicks. So when I heard about these great books I just had to get them for my Mom.

Calling All Chicken Enthusiasts These Books are For You

The first book we have is  Chicken Fact Or Chicken Poop: The Chicken Whisperer’s Guide to the Facts and Fictions You Need To Know To Keep Your Flock Healthy and Happy. 

This book is a  science-rooted, fact-based, and study-reinforced manual designed to help you weed through the facts and fictions about your flock. 

Those who raise chickens have more information available to them than ever these days.  This makes it harder to know if you are reading facts or as they say “just plain chicken poop”.   You will find that Andy Schneider who is deemed The Chicken Whisperer has a knowledgeable team of top chicken experts who will help you sort through the common facts and non-facts about how to keep your chickens happy and healthy.  Topics that are included are nutrition, parasites, trauma, medication, human health as well as predators.  You will be able to learn everything you need to know and didn’t know about your backyard and/or urban chickens.

You can purchase it from Amazon (not an affiliate link) here.

Calling All Chicken Enthusiasts These Books are For You

The second book I received is The Chicken Chick’s Guide to Backyard Chickens: Simple Steps for Healthy, Happy Hens. 

If you are a chicken enthusiast you have probably heard of Kathy Shea Mormino who is internationally known as The Chicken Chick.  She has millions of fans around the world and brings information and a fresh perspective on raising backyard chickens.  She is an attorney by day and is the founder and one-woman force behind her very popular and award-winning Facebook page and blog,

You will enjoy learning from her years of hard-earned experience and many collaborations with poultry veterinarians, professors, and nutritionists.  She provides simple steps to care for these uncommon pets.

Kathy’s personality permeates the book as she guides the newbie, veteran, and would-be backyard chickeneers alike through all aspects of small-flock care—from getting into the hobby to housing, feeding, egg production, health, and much more. The result is accurate information presented in the fun and abundantly illustrated format that Mormino has delivered on her blog for years. 

You can purchase Kathy’s book on Amazon also (not an affiliate link) here.

Calling All Chicken Enthusiasts These Books are For You

The last book I received was Epic Eggs: The Poultry Enthusiast’s Complete and Essential Guide to the Most Perfect Food.

This isn’t a typical egg cookbook or guide to raising chickens, Epic Eggs takes a deep dive on the eggs themselves and tells you how to raise birds that will produce the best eggs you’ve ever seen.

It may be true that most poultry found on small homesteads or in backyards especially are viewed as pets, but they are inarguably pets with benefits–namely eggs. In Epic Eggs, homesteader and writer Jennifer Sartell looks at the eggs of the most common types of poultry you’d find in your backyard: chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, and quail.

But don’t worry this isn’t an egg cookbook nor a guide to raising poultry.  Jennifer goes into the eggs themselves and explains everything you need to know about them.

Jennifer will show you a variety breeds of birds, and what sizes, shapes, and even colors of egg they produce; from white to blue, brown, chocolate, olive, and speckled, plus heritage breeds and how to breed for specific colors.

The photos in this book are fantastic color photography of eggs and their birds, Epic Eggs goes on to address how to optimize living conditions and diet for the healthiest and most-flavorful eggs, the process of grading and storing eggs, and the eternal washing debate. There’s also discussion of nutrition, baking, cooking, preserving, pickling, and dehydrating. The book ends with advice for homesteaders looking to create business plans and a section on troubleshooting. You can purchase this book from Amazon (not an affiliate link) here.







About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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Daniel M
Daniel M
7 years ago

looks like a fun bunch

7 years ago

I love the Chicken Chick and the Chicken Whisperer. I would love these books.

7 years ago

lots of info

Richard Brandt
Richard Brandt
7 years ago

I haven’t actually thought too seriously about raising chickens. But I need the eggs.

Sue D
Sue D
7 years ago

Great review. I have heard of the first two authors/books but the one about eggs is new to me.

7 years ago

All three sound amazing!

LeAnn Harbert
LeAnn Harbert
7 years ago

My son would love to have these.

7 years ago

These would be great gifts for my uncle. He is going to start having backyard chickens soon.

7 years ago

great books

Jeanna Massman
Jeanna Massman
7 years ago

I would love to win these books they look so interesting.

7 years ago

Looks like a lot to learn 😀

Chris L
Chris L
7 years ago

looks like great books.

7 years ago

What a perfect collection of books on chickens! The authors are great, and I would love to read all of these books and keep them as handy reference guides!

7 years ago

I don’t know anything about raising chickens but our family has learning about them and having them as a goal within the next couple of years.

Janice Crespo
7 years ago

These books look awesome! My daughter is planning on getting her own home in the next couple of years and having her own garden and chickens would be ideal for her! These books look perfect for her!

Margot C
Margot C
7 years ago

I really want to have backyard chickens. My husband is resisting!

Sarah L
Sarah L
7 years ago

I have a friend who raises chickens. I think she needs these books.

Katrina Angele
Katrina Angele
7 years ago

We had chickens growing up. I want to get backyard chickens this year.

Elizabeth Brooks
Elizabeth Brooks
7 years ago

I’d love these for my mom