5 Tips to Helping Your Children Care For Their Teeth


Did you know that tooth decay is one of the most common chronic diseases found in children? Considering that most cases of tooth decay are easily preventable, that’s a shocking statistic. One reason for this may be because some people believe that the state of a child’s teeth isn’t a big deal. After all, they will lose their baby teeth soon and replace them with adult teeth anyway. But this isn’t the case. Experts recommend that your child should start brushing as soon as the first tooth comes in.

It’s no secret that children need to learn how to take care of their teeth. They also need to be consistent with this process, even when they don’t want to. That’s because their approach to hygiene now will define how their mouth develops into adulthood.

But it’s also important for you to help them learn how to do this. Until they are about 7 or 8 years old, children don’t have the understanding or motor skills to take care of their own teeth. So here are 5 tips that will help you teach your child how to care for their teeth:

  1. Get the Right Brush

When it comes to children, it’s important to stick to soft-bristled toothbrushes only. This will keep them from inadvertently hurting themselves as they brush their teeth. Whether the brush is manual or powered, you should ensure that it has soft and rounded bristles.

Furthermore, make sure that you replace your kid’s brushes after every three months. Some toothbrushes have colored bristles that fade to show you when it’s time to buy a replacement. But if the bristles are frayed before the three months are up, replace the brush. This will prevent any frayed bits from damaging your child’s gums.

  1. Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Once your child turns two years old, start choosing toothpaste that contains fluoride. That’s because fluoride is proven to strengthen the tooth enamel and prevent cavities. When brushing, place a pea-sized dollop of this toothpaste on your child’s brush. You can even use less if they aren’t old enough to spit after brushing.

You could also use a fluoride rinse that is designed specifically for children. But this option is only appropriate if your child is old enough to understand how to rinse and spit.

  1. Floss Daily

Ensuring that your kids floss daily is a great way to teach them how to take care of their teeth. If they are really young, they will need you to help them floss. Make sure to pick up flossers that are specifically designed for children on your next trip to the store. Since they come in a wide range of design, colors, and flavors, they are a great tool to encourage flossing and make oral hygiene fun.

  1. Visit the Dentist Regularly

You should ensure that your child goes to the dentist at least twice a year. As soon as they are one year old, your child should start getting checkups and professional cleanings at your preferred dentist. But it’s also important to take them to the right professionals. Do your search and take them to the top dentist in Riverton who will help your child learn more about taking care of their teeth.

  1. Get the Right Routine

As we all know, following a set routine is a great way to teach children anything. This is especially true when it comes to oral health. Make sure that they brush their teeth twice a day for at least two minutes. Help them brush in a circular motion on all surfaces of the teeth, including the back or side. And you should always recheck areas of the teeth that tend to gather plaque. This will ensure that your child’s teeth develop strong and healthy.

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