Help Your Child Learn Spanish Through Immersion


When you homeschool five children, you are always looking for a good, inviting curriculum that will draw children in and help them learn what they need to learn. And one of the subjects I’m most excited to introduce to my children is a foreign language – for them, Spanish! 

Help Your Child Learn Spanish Through Immersion

That’s why I’m so excited to have had the opportunity to review Whistlefritz – an immersion style language program that uses programs, videos, songs, and smart lessons to help children learn a foreign language

Children learn so well at younger ages when language centers of the brain are developing so I love the idea of introducing them to a foreign language NOW before high school and college. The immersion style is exactly how children learn their first language. With Whistlefritz entertaining cartoons, movies, and CDs they get introduced to the new language in a fun, engaging way. Kids naturally begin to mimic what they see and with more than one child in our family, they begin to have actual conversations quite quickly

If you are like me and want a little more structure, be sure to check out the Educator’s Collection – I have the Spanish Educator’s Collection.  The 40 lessons will walk you through exactly how to begin developing conversational skills with your children. Unlike what I was used to you aren’t just hearing the Spanish, hearing the English, and then hearing the Spanish word again. You are immediately beginning full sentences and conversations in a way that establishes the context for the kids. It’s brilliant. 

Learn Spanish the Easy Way

The teacher’s section of the workbook tells you exactly what to say. I found that my college Spanish classes and general knowledge were totally sufficient to implement the lessons with my children, however, if you are a homeschooling mom with no Spanish skills at all you could either connect with another mom as a co-op class or rely on the beautiful DVDs to help you learn alongside your children. 

The Educator’s Collection is available in French or Spanish language. It comes with the Lesson Plans Workbook (teacher notes included!). 5 DVD videos, 3 song CDs, and matching cards for kinesthetic learning. It’s perfect for introducing these new language skills to your young learners. And now you can enter to win a collection of your own! 

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About Author

Angela England

Mother of five living in rural Oklahoma with her husband and children, Angela is the Founder of Untrained Housewife, co-founder of the Homestead Bloggers Network and Organic Gardening expert at She is the author of Backyard Farming on an Acre (More or Less), as well as several other books, all with the common theme of helping people embrace the journey towards self-sufficiency.

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M. L.
M. L.
5 years ago

Little C and I would use the Spanish Educators version. Why? To better prepare ourselves for a trip to Peru in January!

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5 years ago

Learning a new language is both energizing and testing, and the more youthful your tyke begins a second dialect, the all the more effectively she will figure out how to talk it. Inundation programs for youngsters.

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5 years ago

Perusing books out loud is extraordinary compared to other ways you can enable your youngster to figure out how to peruse. This can likewise be a Child Learn good time for you. The more eagerness you demonstrate when you read a book, the more Child Learn your kid will appreciate it.