7 Ways to Stay Connected With Your Family When Living Far Away


Often while growing up, life takes us to another city or sometimes, to overseas. These opportunities make us understand distance deeply where we aware ourselves how powerful it can be. Like an impactful weapon, a distance can either make things fall into place or break them apart. That’s true! It can make people forget their families or instead make them feel they are still a room away. And we’re pretty sure you don’t want things to fall apart, so, no matter if you’re the son or the daughter you can still add sparkling jitters to your family members day and remind them how much incomplete you feel without them.

Don’t Go Away

Well, we do mean that technically. It simply conveys that no matter how far away you go from your near ones, just stay in touch. That’s right, keep posting about your life and daily advances to them. Stay connected either via phone calls, posts, emails, or simply via social apps.

Remind Love Everyday

It is the love that keeps a family together and intact. And to spread love every minute, all you need to do is keep sending reminders every day. It can either be via one way or the another like sending wishes of well-being every day or making occasional trips, if possible.

Be A Part Of The Celebrations

The worst part about going away is you miss a lot of fun things like celebrations, anniversaries, and other special days. Yes, the only way you relishes them is via pictures, videos updated on social groups. But hey! You can too make them feel your presence by sending wishes of love and happiness all the way through to home. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. Send a flavorsome cake, rakhi cards or a bouquet of flowers and voila! You are officially a part of the celebration.

Siblings Sweet Escape

Parents often make their heart strong and let their kid go far away, but it becomes really hard on the sibling to let their brother or sister leave just like that. Video call with them now and then. Share your personal interests with them, try to inform them more about your life and reach out to them for resolving issues that can’t be shared and talked about with parents.

Celebrate Togetherness

Yes, you and your family are not together. Still, you can celebrate festivities like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, and be with them by sending tokens full of memories. These gifts or tokens can be sent online which will further won’t burn a hole in your pocket. You can wish them in the most celebratory manner by hand-delivering gifts like apparel, accessories, beauty products, electronics, or by simply sending Rakhi to India.

Renew Love Often

Try to let your parents, grandparents, even your dog know you much you miss their presence and try your level best not to convey them in the same way everytime you do so. You can begin by surprising them in one way or the other. And finally one day, you can even come by and rejoice them in the most secretive manner.

Set Priorities Straight

In other words, never get too much occupied. It is a common rule in life that as we grow up, we begin to take things lightly or even take them for granted. In fact, we begin to think that the family can even make the effort and get connected. However, it is your prime duty to keep your priorities straight and never forget, it is your call or message your family is waiting for.

About Author

Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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Alison B
6 years ago

Great topic! It is so hard to do sometimes!

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