What To Look For In An Appliance Repair Technician?


The appliances in your home serve a crucial role in ensuring the comfort and efficiency of most home processes. You wouldn’t want to be in a position where the dishwasher is broken or leaking. The same applies to the refrigerator and other appliances in the kitchen. That is why it is important you look for Pittsburgh Appliance Repairs Maintenance services whenever you have problems with the appliances. Choosing the right technician can be a daunting endeavor especially if you’ve never done it before. There are some key attributes you should be looking out for and we are going to highlight some of them.


A good place to start your search for an appliance technician is by asking your friends and relatives. They’re likely to know someone reliable who they could refer you to. Make sure you’re still vetting the referrals because they might not have the needed experience for your particular repair. Nothing beats word of out. A person won’t be shy about discussing their experiences if they worked with a shoddy contractor in the past.


Experience is crucial when looking for an appliance technician. Ideally, you should be asking the contractors how long they’ve been business. This gives you an insight into the kind of experience they possess. You should also ask about their specialization if any or if they can repair all household appliances. An experienced technician should be versatile having dealt with different appliances. Another way you could vet the experience of the technician is by asking for references.  A good contractor will be more than willing to provide the references since there will be nothing to hide. Follow up with phone calls and ask past customers if they were satisfied with the services of the technician.


Make sure you’re working with someone from your locality. The technician should have a physical address if possible. You could be having an emergency situation and you will need someone who can respond immediately. A contractor with a physical presence will have an established reputation in the community they serve. The reputation of the contractor is also important as you’re able to gauge the response from past and current customers.


The cost is always going to be a determining factor in any purchasing decision. As a homeowner, you’re want to keep the maintenance and repair costs as low as possible. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should choose the technician with the lowest bid. You should be wary when someone’s quote is way below the standard rate. They could be cutting corners in order to get the business. You may end up paying more for repairs because of the technician’s incompetence. Even if you get an affordable quote, there is always room of bargaining. Make sure you’re aware of the exact problem.


Once you’ve shortlisted a couple of technicians or companies, the next step would be to do some research on them. There is a high chance that most of them will have an online presence. You can read what consumers are saying about the brand via reviews.  There are third-party websites that can be used to do the research. It will be hard for the company to get rid of negative reviews. You shouldn’t work with a contractor that has a repeated and similar pattern of complaints.

Don’t Settle on the First Person

It will be tempting to settle on the first person you come across because the searching can be cumbersome. While you might get a reliable technician, there is also a high chance that you could land on a shoddy one as well. You can also get a high quote yet there are other alternatives in the market which are just as reliable.

Don’t Fall for “Special Offer”

You will most likely need a repair technician when an appliance in the home is broken. A professional technician deserves to be paid for his or her time. In most instances, you’re paying for the knowledge that you don’t possess. They will diagnose the problem and come up with a solution. It will not be unethical for a technician to charge you for a repair fee when the issue has not been fixed.

Bonded and Insured

You should only work with a contractor that is bonded an insured. Misfortunes could happen while they’re working on the appliance. You will be liable if the repair technician doesn’t have the necessary insurance. Damages could occur and you want to make sure you’re getting compensated.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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steele honda
5 years ago

I like that you said that experience is crucial when looking for an appliance technician. I am looking for an appliance repair technician that can help me because my dryer stopped working and won’t dry my clothes anymore and I’d rather not have to buy a new one if I don’t have too. I think it would be nice to hire an appliance repairman that had ex

Daphne Gilpin
5 years ago

Thanks for explaining that we should find an appliance repair service with experience. My fridge has been really noisy lately. Your tips will make it easier to find the right repair service to fix the problem.

Sarah Packer
5 years ago

As a new homeowner, I wanted some maintenance tips! I didn’t know you should hire a technician that has a physical address in your community so you have someone on call that can come immediately. I’ll keep that in mind as I hire a refrigeration repair service company to help me fix my fridge this next week, thanks to this post!

Callum Palmer
5 years ago

I’ve been having some problems with my fridge as of late. Now I don’t have an idea of what could be causing the problems so I will have to get someone to come and fix it for me. As you said here, going with someone who has experience is a must when it comes to these fixes.

5 years ago

I am looking for an appliance repair technician that can help me. Thanks for explaining that we should find an appliance repair service with experience. My fridge has been really noisy lately. Your tips will make it easier to find the right repair service to fix the problem. Thanks for sharing.