Teleflora will send a Beautiful Bouquet in Time for the Holidays



I love Teleflora, and their flowers are so beautiful, and always last.


I am so pleased with Teleflora’s Snow Day Bouquet.  It is absolutely breathtaking, the roses are devine, and the cookie jar is perfect.  I couldn’t have asked for a nicer bouquet, and the price is only $64.95.  This is a great price, to please someone you love.

I’ve had these flowers for approximately two weeks, and they still look beautiful.  I add a little water everyday, to make sure they are fed, but they are so beautiful.  There are 3 different prices, when you click the above link.  You will make someone’s day with these beautiful flowers.

Indulge your family and friends with memories of nostalgic holiday traditions with this delightful 2-in-1 floral gift that also doubles as an adorable holiday cookie jar. Share the spirit of the season with this playful snow-themed container filled with lovely roses, miniature carnations, and holiday greens nestled amongst candy canes and shiny decorative ornaments. This hand-glazed ceramic cookie jar is FDA-approved, food safe and dishwasher safe. Your loved ones can fill it with holiday treats for many white Christmases to come.


There are other bouquets, as well, including:  Teleflora’s Send a Hug® Christmas Cardinal Bouquet (which is only $49.95).  The mug can be used over and over, for years to come, even after the flowers have faded away.

I love this beautiful Bouquet, as well.  I really adore the bouquets that have the vases that double as other products.  We can reuse them this way.  And, both of these bouquets, listed above, have vases that double as something else.


Then, there’s the Thomas Kinkade’s Jolly Santa Bouquet.  This bouquet is so delightful.  I love the style, and fanciness of the bouquet.  And, you will have a wonderful centerpiece when you are done.  The price for the Thomas Kinkade’s Jolly Santa Bouquet is only $79.95, which is an excellent value.

A tribute to Thomas Kinkade, the Painter of Light™, this latest installment to Teleflora’s exclusive, bestselling holiday collection brings to life all the special memories of childhood sharing holiday wishes with Santa. Featuring a gazebo at the North Pole, this hand-crafted, hand-painted holiday scene illuminates and lights up amongst the scene of parents and their children eagerly awaiting their chance to visit with Santa. As a collector’s dream, this is the perfect holiday ‘must-have’ to celebrate the timeless holiday tradition of Kinkade.

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This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

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