Squelch STINKS: FunkAway Eliminates Odor


FunkAway is the key to eliminating disgusting odors on clothing, shoes and gear!

Do you have clothes, shoes and/or sports equipment that reeks?  Need a way to defunkafy, those nasty smells out of clothes until laundry day? ,Do you or your kids have sports gear that smells so bad it offends your dog? Then you should know about  FunkAway, the revolutionary spray that doesn’t mask odors, but eliminates them.

FunkAway uses  a unique patented compound called OM Complex™, developed by the B2Z Products Inc. This isn’t a cover up fragrance. The OM Complex™ absorbs the odors to zap the stink for good.

What is Funk? Yes it comes from sweat, but the perspiration itself doesn’t stink. The ripe odor actually emits from bacteria that feed on the sweat, and then out-gas the noxious odor. That’s right, the bacteria actually farts!

Upon contact, FunkAway™ absorbs the odor molecules and then encases them in a “bubble” and breaks them down, to get rid of the funk…not just cover it up. No more having to drive home from your kid’s soccer game with your head stuck out the window. 

Purchase the following products – depending on your personal needs:


Left – THE COMBO (13.5 FL OZ + 3.4 FL OZ), Top Right – THE TRAVELER (3.4 FL OZ), Bottom Right – THE HEAVYWEIGHT (13.5 FL OZ)

  • THE COMBO (13.5 FL OZ + 3.4 FL OZ)
  • Laundry Booster 32FL OZ
  • TEAM PACK (QTY: 12 – 3.4 FL OZ)

Top Left – Laundry Booster, Top Right – Laundry Booster and Traveler Spray Combo, Bottom Left – Team Pack

The TRAVELER is perfect for keeping in a purse, backpack, gear bag. locker, or the glove box in your car (and is TSA-compliant). The HEAVYWEIGHT, is a powerful aerosol spray.  Use the Laundry Booster to not only eliminate order, but to get out stains! The team pack would make a great gift for a Little League or Football/Tennis/Basball/Softball/Wrestling coach!

What would you use the TRAVELER and HEAVYWEIGHT on?

  • Shoulder Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Knee Pads
  • Shin Guards
  • Suspenders
  • Breezers
  • Jerseys
  • Hats
  • Helmets
  • Gloves
  • Skates
  • Rollerblades
  • Cleats
  • Shoes
  • Gym Bags
  • Ball Caps
  • Hard Hats
  • Harnesses
  • Tool Belts
  • Work Boots
  • Tents
  • Hiking Boots
  • Backpacks

I think you get the idea! Spray away the stench, so you don’t have to wear a gas mask to enter the laundry room.  Knock out odors with a FunkAway one two punch. Available at FunkAway or by searching FunkAway on Amazon.

About Author


Libby wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Teacher*Friend*Animal Lover* Former Early Pregnancy and Childbirth Educator and Substitute Teacher (preK - 12) *Medically Disabled...SURVIVOR! Libby is very happily married to the love of her life (for 41 yeas), the mother of 10 grown children and "Nonnie" to 23 growing grand children. She adores animals, and is "owned" by two furbabies: Gung Poe Wigglebutt ( a Black Pug, who's mission in life is to be her shadow) and Gabriel, SD, CGC, PAT, (her Service Dog, who is a Chocolate Lab/Weimaraner mix). Libby also has two Red Eared Aquatic Turtles, Tucker and Turner, who couldn't care less about her, other than at meal times!

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8 years ago

This product

8 years ago

This product is best for avtive individuals.

vickie couturier
vickie couturier
8 years ago

wow,how awesome is this,,i have 3 grandchildren in sports ,,and mostly baseball and football,that are very dirty stinky sports

Lisa Favre
8 years ago

My tennis shoes stink so much! It’s actually quite embarrassing when I am in the changing room at the gym. I get so self-conscious about it but they are my best pair for comfort! Will have to check this product out.

monique s
monique s
8 years ago

I am always looking for something that will help with the kids smelly gym shoes and the hubbies work books and shoes

Judy Cox
Judy Cox
8 years ago

I love the name of this, and I could definitely use a product like this!!

debra dubois
debra dubois
8 years ago

I could definitely use a product like this!

LeAnn Harbert
LeAnn Harbert
8 years ago

My boys could use this in their basketball shoes.

Robin Creager
8 years ago

This would be awesome for our tent..it always seems to have that musty scent.

Ali Rost
Ali Rost
8 years ago

What a great product! I’m thinking of all the uses around our house. My husband’s gym shoes .. my kickboxing gloves .. in the washer for pet throws and bedding. No more smelly things for us!

Amy Tolley
Amy Tolley
8 years ago

Wow..These product would be amazing to use and so much more helpful…thanks for such a great post and info on this products

Anne Marie Carter
8 years ago

This is a great product for me to use with my teenage son during football season.

Donna B
Donna B
8 years ago

This sounds like an awesome product. I had never heard of it before. With 4 grandsons you can imagine I need this.

Heather @ Country Life, City Wife

So interesting. I haven’t heard about it before, but with the heat and humidity and stepdaughters in sports I am going to take a look at this. I’ll tell my sister about it, too – my nieces and nephews all play sports!

Amber Ludwig
Amber Ludwig
7 years ago

Coming from a house where I am outnumbered by boys I think I need this lol!! It sounds fabulous!!

Dana Rodriguez
Dana Rodriguez
7 years ago

I think this would be good on my fiance’s smelly work clothes.

Kara Marks
Kara Marks
7 years ago

Boy, there’s a lot of things you could use this on, esp. as the kids become tweens and teens.

gloria patterson
gloria patterson
7 years ago

nice products I am going to order some for my mothers shoes

gloria patterson
gloria patterson
7 years ago

going to order this for my mothers shoes

Angela Ingles
Angela Ingles
7 years ago

Haha – I love the name of this product!

KayLa S
KayLa S
7 years ago

This product looks interesting. Especially with kids in sports.

gloria patterson
gloria patterson
7 years ago

ordered this and its going in my mothers easter basket

gloria patterson
gloria patterson
7 years ago

ordered mom has some shoes that are going ot be happy

Valerie Lerma
Valerie Lerma
7 years ago

Wow this sounds amazing I could use this for work boots

Sandra Watts
7 years ago

This is great! I think I have to run right out to get some! All boys in my house!