How Being a Parent Changes You (For the Better)


It’s no secret that everything changes once you become a parent. In many cases, new parents want to become an improved version of their old selves and the urgency is strong.

Check out these six ways being a parent transforms you into a shinier version of your former self.

Your “me” time disappears but you embrace it.

Many people need some space – some time alone to rest, think about nothing and recharge. Once you’re a parent, you must be creative if you want to find this time again. No matter how much you love spending time with your baby, you’ll probably feel like you need alone time more than ever. Consider waking up 20 minutes earlier each morning or partnering with your spouse to take turns relieving the other for some breaks. It’s not selfish at all to designate some time for you – it’s part of being a focused parent.

You are responsible in a new way.

You may question your parenting skills and feel as though you’re unqualified for this new role, wondering whether you’re worthy of raising a child. The newfound responsibility is overwhelming, but rest assured, you’re not the only one who feels this way. It’s okay to do your best and be proud – that’s all you can do.

You have an overwhelming sense of love.

You love more than you knew was possible. You wish you children could stay little forever, and you do your best to really enjoy every moment and search for ways to spend more time with the family. You barely even mind those dirty diaper changes and middle of the night feedings.

You’ll rely on your circle of friends more than ever.

While you may not see your friends as often as before you had children, you’ll value their friendships in a new way. The friends you used to go out with on the weekends are now the ones you talk to about diapers and car seats. These friends will see you through the tough days and cheer you on in your parenting triumphs.

You have a new version of being cool.

You’re now mom or dad, and your old shopping trips with the girls or the sports you played with your buddies are now activities you enjoy with your kids. The $5 coffee is now drunk out of a coffee mug from your son or daughter. While a trip to Vegas may be out of reach, you’ll shift to sharpening your video poker strategy instead. Staying in has never been more attractive.

You won’t notice or mind the changes one bit and will find you embrace your new version of cool.

You learn to appreciate the little things in life.

You probably didn’t care too much about bubbles or puddles before you were a parent. But now, they’re the most wondrous things that can keep your child entertained and intrigued for hours.

There’s no doubt that life changes when you’re a parent. You become a new you – one who enjoys the company of your new arrival, appreciates friends who understand and loves the things you used to take for granted.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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