Do you remember the Strawberry Shortcake dolls of our youth? I know I do! I am the middle child, and I have two sisters. When we were growing up, all three of us were OBSESSED with Strawberry Shortcake. It was better than Rainbow Brite and Rose Petal put together, and probably even cooler than the Glo-Worms or the Lotsa Legs.
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Strawberry Shortcake Berry Bitty Adventures Girls Show, and it is so perfectly reminiscent of the original series and figures we knew and loved. Except now, they are my daughter’s favorite, too.
Wildbrain is Preschool Entertainment Central
When my son was younger, he was obsessed with Elmo and Sesame Street. We had about a billion episodes on our DVR, but we always had to wait to record the episode to have it to watch. The beauty of WildBrain is that it gives age-appropriate educational choices, and they are all right in one place. Kids can watch shows like Caillou, Ellie Explorer, or Cody and have access to all currently available episodes whenever they want. What’s more, new episodes are being added each and every week.
Strawberry Shortcake the Current Top Spot
My daughter loves all things friendship, teamwork, and princess. Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures Girls Show has everything she loves. I imagine it is the same for a lot of girls her age right now, too. The show is fantastic because while the episode may range in length from 34-45 minutes, it is broken up into several mini-episodes. Some tie back together throughout the entire episode, though many stand alone. For little ones, it is the perfect length to hold their attention. Each story is told and wrapped up in around two and a half minutes, which is just the right length to keep little minds entertained and learning without them getting bored.
Episode Messaging
The episode Yes to the Dress emphasizes teamwork and friendship throughout. The characters support one another and lean on each other for support and help when they need it. It’s a great precedent to set for little ones showing them how to build one another up and support one another. There is a lot of discussion about manners, as well. However there is a distinct point made that maintaining your own good manners is always nice, but trying to enforce other peoples’ good manners makes for an annoying friend.
A Haunting in Berry City is inspiring for little ones to learn the importance of cooperating. In this segment, many of the episodes are focused on problem-solving. In some of them, the characters disagree and bicker and go their own ways. When they start cooperating and using their problem-solving skills, everything starts coming back together for the girls of Berry Bitty City.
Market Yourself is a testament to self-confidence and assertiveness. Even though the stories inside the episode are short, it is astonishing just how powerful the message is when you know what to look for, and teaching little girls the importance of self-worth from an early age is priceless.
We are super excited to celebrate the resurgence of our favorite series with an amazing giveaway! This month, Wildbrain will be giving away a prize valued at $60! The giveaway will include a Berry Bitty Set with 4 3-inch figures including Strawberry, Plum, Lemon, and Blueberry. It will also have a Strawberry and Friends 8.5″ plush, 3 different paperbacks, and an amazing coloring book!

It’s such an amazing experience to be able to share something from my youth with one of my children. The new Strawberry Shortcake animated series is the perfect show to bridge a generational gap. The fact that I already know and love the characters makes my daughter super excited to share and talk about each episode. It opens up a dialogue about some of the important messages for girls being portrayed on the show. It’s an incredible way to start building self-confidence and problem-solving skills in little girls from a very early age. And the fact that it is all found with a few keystrokes on Wildbrain means that it is content that is age-appropriate and educational. It’s just a giant ball of win all around.
Do you have any answer for this?
Yes, I did watch them as a kid. I am glad that keep it pretty simple like before and did not do anything to crazy with the new series.
I love that Strawberry Shortcake teaches kids to problem solve in a fun way. Yes, I used to watch it.
I LOVED Strawberry Shortcake as a Kid! My daughter and I use to watch it together when she was a baby! 🙂
I watched this as a kid, but it was not the same quality. I loved the show and my 2 daughters love their colorful outfits and hair!
I love Strawberry Shortcake, had everything when I was little & bought the new stuff for both my daughters. Going to relive my childhood watching the new series!
I think Yes to the Dress video is cute! My daughter will enjoy watching it.
I love that they are back! When I was a kid in the 80’s I had all the dolls and the big strawberry carrier to keep them in! Having a daughter who loves them makes it a great way to relieve my childhood.
My daughter loves this show ! Didn’t know you could find toys for it. We watch it on Netflix. Love that it teaches lessons.
I watched the show when I was kid and my youngest is a girl….i read my old strawberry shortcake books to her all the time and we watch the show together.
I use to love watching Strawberry Shortcake as a kid. I remember my first lunch box- a metal one- was strawberry shortcake. I loved that lunch box.
love strawberry!! i had a streawberry kisses doll growing up! i have always loved these characters!!
I think the new show is absolutely adorable and it makes me quite nostalgic.
A Haunting in Berry City is a great episode.
I really liked the animated part at he beginning of Market Yourself (Ep.1).
My favorite thing about Strawberry Shortcake has always been that Strawberry Shortcake and each of her friends all SMELL so yummy! It was fun to collect them not only because they were fun to play with but because they were sniffalicious! Haha.
I love how they all work together! I did watch this when I was little.
I loved Strawberry Shortcake when I was little! I had this doll that smelled liked strawberries, it was my favorite. I enjoy being able to share a childhood favorite with my daughter!
I loved strawberry shortcake as a kid. Such cute characters and the best part is, everything smelled amazing too. I remember having a strawberry shortcake shampoo that was my fave shampoo as a kid
yes i was a strawberry shortcake fan when I was a kid! I like that they all get along and that they solve problems together.
I loved Strawberry Shortcake as a child.
My niece watched it. I liked that it held her attention.
I used to love the old Strawberry Shortcake cartoons, and their voices! Now, it’s just not sweet and innocent or for little girls anymore. Seems like they are aiming for 7 and up, instead of 3-6 year olds. Oh well, things change I guess.
My daughter did and we had the dolls and now I have granddaughter to live through all the new things with.
I love how its both educational and fun! Yes watched it as a kid!
I found this blog by accident and WOW, this is a Happy accident. I am surrounded by lcousins. I am surrounded by little girls on a daily basis and . It’s important to me thar the girls in my life learn to support one another and not feel the pressures to compete and “ONE UP” each other. I never got to see strawberry shortcake as a child. No Tv.
Wholesome favorite. and the dolls did smell great~
I think this is cute I think my daughter would love this show
I like how she is kind and teaches little girls to be kind.
I watched it a little bit as a kid
I used to watch the show all the time when I was younger. I love that my nieces get to watch it now that there is an updated version.
This is a wonderful giveaway and yes I love strawberry shortcake and all the girls
My kids grew up watching Strawberry Shortcake.
I loved Strawberry Shortcake as a kid. I even watched it with my daughter and now we watch videos my 12 year old had with my 4 year old granddaughter. One of the cutest shows ever made. I love the characters and the shows.
My favorite thing about Strawberry Shortcake is their message that accompanies hours of creative play and interaction. Great gifts and collectibles!
I love that my daughter loves her just as much as I did when I was her age!
I love that it keeps my daughters attention. She has seen them akll!
I grew up On Strawberry Shortcake- love it