Capture Children’s Stories and Memories with MemberWhen

Memories are something I have always treasured. MemberWhen is something just like a smartphone that I wish I had when my kids were growing up.  I tried as best as I could to capture pictures on cameras but either I didn’t get them developed or they seemed to get lost. If smartphones and MemberWhen would have been around back then I would have been able to catch so many more memories. 
For those of you who haven’t heard of MemberWhen I want to introduce you to what they offer you. MemberWhen makes customized podcasts that through audio storytelling will serve a purpose to connect people to one another.  
If you are like me you want to take the memories of your children and/or grandchildren and capture them. You can do this with the help of MemberWhen. Without memories what do we have to look back on?  There are many stories we tell about the past, sometimes more than once.  I also have learned that children just like I was once upon a time want to know about the past.
This is how MemberWhen works.  You want to choose several participants, (3 is a great number but you can use more).  MemberWhen speaks with each of them over the phone in 15-20 minute conversations.  Then they go in and edit the audio, include music and also narration.  After they are all done with the process they will deliver you a wonderful audio episode on your own personal website.
I like the fact that you can share it with anyone you choose.  Also, you can add more episodes in the future to the same website.  This way you will have your own collection all in one place.

You can listen to an example here: 

You can learn how to do this by visiting their website.  Start capturing your memories!

Visit them on their social media:

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About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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8 years ago

This is great! Holding on to memories are so important. A friend of mine passed a few years ago and I was looking through my phone and found a video of us. It was so special to have these to look back on! Thank you for the idea of MemberWhen!

8 years ago

This is so cool. Before my grandmother passed away, I recorded an interview with her for a project I had in college. I still have that cassette tape, although no way to play it! I love the technology these days – that helps with memory keeping.

8 years ago

We are big on capturing the memories through photos and video but it’s a good idea to have voice recordings as well. This is a unique idea. I’m going to look into this further and see if this is a fit for us. It would be great for someone who is writing a biography or wants to leave some information behind for a loved one.

8 years ago

What an interesting concept! I never thought of making an audio episode with our adventures. This sounds like a great way to capture all the fun memories we have with our kids!

Kerri Olkjer
8 years ago

Wow, I had never even heard of something like this. Sounds like a really great way to preserve memories.

8 years ago

This is a great idea. I have never thought about doing a podcast before, but it makes a lot of sense. I would love to come back to it one day and relive the memories I make with our family. I might need to give this a try.

Ali Rost
Ali Rost
8 years ago

What a wonderful post! I always think in terms of photos and completely forget about voice. A year or so our much loved pug passed away and we discovered a few recordings of him barking. They make me smile and cry all at the same time whenever we play them.

8 years ago

It is tough to keep track of all the memories, papers, photos, and more! I like the idea of anything that can help out with this. It is important to hold on to memories for kids and grandkids.

Lisa Favre
8 years ago

I am a sucker for making memories and this sounds like such a sweet, creative idea! I bet many family members would appreciate this kind of thing as a gift! I have never been big on podcasts but this may change now.