The Five Gifts Girls Would Want From Boys This Valentine



Image for Article 1There are many gifts that girls would want from boys on Valentine’s Day, but how do you know which are the right ones? Most guys are great when it comes to picking a new computer, a choice of dinner or a car stereo, however a lot of guys are severely under equipped when it comes to picking a great gift for a girl they want to impress.

Five Gifts Girls Would Actually Want From Boys on Valentine’s Day

If you have been struggling to come up with the perfect gift for the perfect girl, fear not good Sir, here are five gifts that will be a safe bet when it comes to capturing the attention of any girl you have set your eyes upon.

1. Beauty products. When it comes to choosing gifts for girls, they love nothing more than something that makes them feel beautiful. Flowers are a good idea, however they get thrown out after a week. Why not get her something that makes her feel beautiful, look beautiful, and create a win-win situation for yourself? You will make her happy and look in return she will look incredible! Something that every girl needs is a face care pack, which is something that is not too expensive. Girls love it when a guy has put some thought into a gift and this shows that you understand what quality is, and what a girl needs. Who knows where this could lead?

2. Chocolate. It is probably a bit exaggerated through memes and posters, but most girls love chocolate. Here is an example of a chocolate pack that will have her feeling like a princess. One thing that you have to be careful about is actually making sure she likes sweets and if she does, will she actually want it? Most girls don’t have too much of a problem with their figure, but some girls pay a huge amount of attention to every little thing they eat and may find it offensive. You will probably have to do a bit of learning about your Valentine before you decide on the final gift, but this is a good start!

3. Soft toys. It is pretty much a scientific fact that girls simply adore cute things. Whether it is kittens or puppies, teddy bears or just anything little, girls love it. Buying her a soft toy is a sure fire gift for most girls, however think about the size first. A lot of girls don’t have a huge house they can store lots of things in, so something small but with a thoughtful note and possibly a gift card or voucher for a store would be a great idea. Of course, if you are that kind of guy who wants to take it too far, you could always buy her a ridiculously oversized teddy bear that would be taller than her. This will make an impression that would be hard to beat! Although entirely impractical for the girl, it is no doubt that you would create a very strong impression.

4. A Time to Relax. Girls are notorious for running around always being busy, and that is something that can take its toll on anybody. If you think your girl needs a time to relax, consider getting her a voucher for a massage or beauty therapist from a high quality practitioner. Don’t make the mistake of buying her a ticket to the cheapest masseuse in town – she will likely not appreciate it. Spend the money and go with a place that has great reviews and is a relaxing, soothing environment.

5. Jewelry. Most girls have a lot of jewelry, but a lot of it is just stuff they have acquired over time. If you want to make a girl feel really special, consider buying her something that is truly beautiful. Again, like all the other suggestions, don’t shortcut the process and try to buy something cheap. Of course she will say she appreciates it however she will likely never wear it again after trying it on to please you. Buy her something high quality, but something she will wear and think of you every time she puts in on. If she likes ear rings, then splash out and buy her some really pretty ones with actual gold, diamond or other precious metal. Fakes are always a big no-no.


Always Buy Quality Gifts for Girls

When you are trying to make an impression, never go with the wrong one. Girls have been taught by their mothers how to distinguish quality from crap, while boys are often taught how to make do with what they have got. Any girl will appreciate the fact that you have brought her something nice, however if it is something really cheap and tacky, you will make the wrong impression. Quality always pays when shopping for a gift for a young lady you want to impress.

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Author Bio – This article is a work of Manoj Gupta from, an online shopping portal to discover unique Indian products like sarees, jewelry, home furnishing, valentine gifts etc. Looking for gift ideas this coming Valentine’s Day? Check out for some quality and affordable gifts for girls.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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