How to Deal with Becoming Disabled When You Have a Family to Raise


When you hear about a parent becoming disabled, the first thought you may jump to is how they are going to provide for their families. While it does cost a lot of money to keep a family fed, clothed, and in a warm shelter, children need more than financial resources to grow up well. A single mom who has fallen victim to a disabling injury not only needs to find alternative ways to provide for her family, she also has to find new ways to continue being the primary caretaker. After being involved in an accident that causes a personal injury, you might be stuck inside a hospital room for weeks. Friends and family can likely help to care for your family until you are discharged, but after that, you are going to be thrown right back into the thick of things. Here are some suggestions on being there for your family physically and emotionally after you have become disabled in an accident.

How to Deal with Becoming Disabled When You Have a Family to Raise

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Contact Social Services for Help

Moms and dads who have children depending on them might not know how to continue doing things on their own if they have been in an accident and suffered a personal injury. Remember that disabilities can be short or long term, and not all disabilities are obvious at first glance. A parent who has had a traumatic brain injury in a car accident may have trouble remembering things like what time to pick up her children from school. A parent who has become confined to a wheelchair may feel frustrated when attempting to cook dinner at the stove. Social Services should help you to keep your family together while you work on finding your family’s new sense of normality.

Work with Local Charities and Outreach Organizations

If you attended church, mosque, synagogue, or temple prior to your accident you shouldn’t have to look far for help from fellow members of your faith. Likewise, a lot of accident victims who also happen to be parents might be able to get help with organizations such as the Police Athletic League. There are charities and outreach groups who focus on children and families who are in the middle of major issues and they offer whatever assistance is needed as soon as they can. Whether you need an extra babysitter or just need to find more activities to keep your children occupied on the weekend, don’t forget to ask for help from local organizations.

Rely on the Gift of Time

A mom who is accustomed to doing everything on her own can be absolutely devastated after becoming permanently disabled. This is a time where you’ll have to put your pride aside and let others know when you really need some help. Coincidentally, time will also help you to adjust to this new way of life. You’ll eventually learn how to be independent and you’ll come to enjoy being a proud parent who has overcome adversity and raised your family despite suffering a serious injury that left you disabled.

Some people were raised from birth by parents who were disabled while others saw their parents become injured and then become well-adjusted super parents. You may have to work a little harder than before, but your victories will just be that much sweeter. Talk to other disabled parents to see what works best for them.


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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