Controlling Kids’ Sugar Intake After Halloween


After Halloween and the enormous candy haul that many of our kids come home with, finding sugar-free treat options is one of the biggest concerns for parents. For most families, enjoying candy as a sometimes treat is a perfectly acceptable activity. However, when that gets out of control, it can create a serious problem. We all know that sugar contributes to obesity, tooth decay, and a myriad of other health issues in both children and adults. It’s important to keep controlling kids’ sugar intake, especially around Halloween and around the other fall and winter holidays, which seem to be so centered around food and treats.

Offer a Trade

Giving kids the option to trade some or all of their candy for something else that they have been wanting works well for some kids. Find something comparable that is of interest and let them exchange some or all of their sugary candy for a fun prize. You might offer a book from a favorite series, some in-game funds for their favorite online game, or another small toy or treat. No need to go overboard, just find something within your budget that will be an appealing option. You can donate the sugary candy to a school, church, or other organization that can use it as treats or prizes. Just make sure that when you trade with them, that candy haul doesn’t end up being eaten by you, instead.

Provide Better Options for Controlling Kids’ Sugar Intake

You can also swap out some or all of their candy and treats for a healthier option that you feel better about giving your kids. Koochikoo Lollipops are no sugar added lollipops that are organic, vegan and include pre-biotic fiber. This makes them a far better choice than traditional candy. Kids can enjoy superfruit flavors that are sweetened naturally and still enjoy the fun of having a sweet treat without a huge sugar overload.

Koochikoo Lollipops come in Fuji Apple, Blueberry Lemon, Pomegranate Blueberry, and Pineapple Orange. They have only 10 calories in each lollipop and are sweetened with tapioca fiber. This not only a natural sweetener but also is a prebiotic can provide great health benefits. One lollipop includes over 5 grams of dietary fiber! These lollipops are a great way to control kids’ sugar intake while still allowing them the candy that they crave from time to time!

Stick to Your Guns

Sometimes it can be tempting to cave in and just let the kids go candy-crazy around the holiday season. Though it might not seem to be a big deal in the moment, the long-term effects can be far-reaching. Instead, make solid decisions about how much and what types of candy and treats they are allowed to have then stick to them. Be sure to have options on hand that you feel good about giving them. Instead of traditional candy, like Koochikoo Lollipops, then offer those treats with confidence!

Do you find that you struggle more with controlling kids’ sugar intake around the fall and winter holidays?

About Author


Shannan Powell is a mom of 3 boys, who has worked from home as a freelance writer and blogger since the birth of her middle son. Her spare time is spent volunteering with her son's swim team, reading, and binge watching random shows on Netflix.

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6 years ago

I really love this post! Some very sensible ideas. I don’t have children, but from the small amount of time I have spent with my friends’ kids, I can imagine that controlling sugar is crucial!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Surekha Busa
Surekha Busa
6 years ago

This is a very crucial situation with my daughter but like what you’ve said we really can’t avoid it but instead put an options for them to eat.

6 years ago

I love these tips! I want my kids to have fun on Halloween, and part of that is the candy. However, I also want to do my best to keep them healthy.

Monidipa Dutta
6 years ago

Eating a sugary treat along with foods high in protein or fiber can result in a smaller rise in blood sugar. … While we advocate for change in the food environment, the goal is for children to enjoy food, including sugary Halloween, treats, in the context of a healthy, balanced diet.

Liz Cleland
Liz Cleland
6 years ago

Luckily for us my son does not put up much a fight when it comes to handing over his candy. We hand out sticker boxes, toys, erasers, Halloween notepads etc. This helps keep kids coming back and we aren’t contributing to the tons of candy in and out of our house.

Tiffany La Forge-Grau
6 years ago

I love this post. Kids are just pumped full of sugar anymore and it effects them into adulthood!

Jasmine Hewitt
6 years ago

these are good ideas. Halloween can turn into a headache over candy battles

6 years ago

Great sugar alternatives you suggested. Managing candy after Halloween is definitely a challenge. We balance it out with lots of apples.

6 years ago

This looks and sounds great. I am so much more concerned with kids sugar intake now than I used to be. I have to look into this.

pati robins
pati robins
6 years ago

those are really good points , we dont celebrate Halloween as much but if we did i would also try and manage my child sugar intake

6 years ago

Or you can be like one of those visa parents who said they ate all their candy. lol

Justyna E Butler
6 years ago

Great ideas and tips! Controlling the sugars is so important!!!!

6 years ago

These are great ideas. We don’t have kids, but I’m sure it’s helpful to pass along to our friends with kids.

6 years ago

Ooooo I will have to get these for my daughter! We have been all about cutting back on our sugar intake lately