Capture the Magic – Catch Santa and Keep the Magic Alive


In our house, we believe. That is the plain and simple fact of the holidays for us. Christmas is all about the magic and wonder of childhood and we do what we can to preserve that for our kids. However, as they have gotten older, keeping that belief alive proves a bit of a challenge from time to time. With the vast wonders of the internet and friends who believe it’s not as “cool” to anticipate the arrival of Santa, outside influences often spoil the mystery. It has become harder and harder to encourage our children to hold on to the fun and innocence that is believing in Santa.

Capture the Magic – Catch Santa is an app that is designed to help parents keep the holiday magic of Santa going just a little longer. Imagine the surprise on your children’s faces if you could show them that you “caught” Santa delivering presents to your house on Christmas Eve! With this free app, you can do just that! Give your kids the proof that they’ve been asking for that Santa stopped by for a visit. Just download Capture the Magic – Catch Santa from the iTunes store and you’re ready to go! For the past two years, this fun app has been the top trending app in the iTunes store, helping parents all over to enhance the holiday season for their little ones! 

How Capture the Magic – Catch Santa Works

It is simple to use the Capture the Magic – Catch Santa app. Once you have downloaded the app to your iPhone, snap a picture of the area in your home where you want to “catch” Santa in the act. Choose a pose for the Santa overlay and then crop, position, and adjust your photo until it’s just right. You can easily change the lighting, position, and other features through the simple photo editor and make your image look authentic. Save your photo and show the kids on Christmas morning what you were able to capture! They will be amazed to see Santa in their home, by their tree, or whatever scene you decide to set for your magical photo.

Give Back Through Premium Purchase

Though there are fun images available in the free version of the app, by purchasing the Premium pack, you will unlock more poses that will give you even more options to find just the right Santa pose. With 50 poses in all, it’s easy to set the scene for the perfect picture with your premium upgrade. Plus, for the first time, they are donating 25% of all app purchase proceeds through December 15th to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Not only can you capture the magic for your own children, but you can spread a little magic to a child that truly needs it. 

Give your children the gift of a little extra magic this holiday season and keep them believing just a little longer. Download Capture the Magic – Catch Santa and make this Christmas morning unforgettable for all who believe or want to believe in the magic of Christmas. 

About Author


Shannan Powell is a mom of 3 boys, who has worked from home as a freelance writer and blogger since the birth of her middle son. Her spare time is spent volunteering with her son's swim team, reading, and binge watching random shows on Netflix.

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Alli Smith
6 years ago

I still believe . . . and always will. I have to do this for my grandkids. I’m bookmarking it so I don’t forget.

6 years ago

Catching Santa would be so fun. Making fun memories is so important and love your photos

Amber Myers
6 years ago

How fun! I might have to do this for my kids. They are older, but still. It’s Santa! I think this is awesome.

6 years ago

This is such a cool way to keep the Christmas magic alive for a little bit longer. I would have loved this for my kids.

6 years ago

Oh my gosh that is so cute! My nephew and my niece are both toddlers in love Santa. I think this would be perfect for them.

Terri Steffes
6 years ago

This is a tradition in my house! We have been using this company since they made photos and sent them to you! Such a fun app and I love posting the photo on Facebook for my nieces and nephews!

6 years ago

This is a cute app! I bet the kids would really like it.

Tabitha Blue
6 years ago

How cute is this!! Such a fun way to get kids excited 🙂

Vyjay Rao
6 years ago

This App sure looks useful, especially with the younger kids. With kids a bit older this may not work as they are all so tech savvy these days.

6 years ago

We did Capture the Magic Catch Santa a couple of years ago and it was perfect. My eldest was just at that age when he wasn’t sure what to believe. He loved showing off his pics of Santa at our house

chubskulit rose
6 years ago

This is a great idea. This would be fun to do especially if you have little kids, it’s magical.

6 years ago

I thin this app is so cool! I need to share this with my sister so she can do this for my niece!!

6 years ago

I have to download this app! I know a few little kids who would love to see what Santa is up to

6 years ago

This app is fantastic. This is exactly what I need this year. My kid still believes in Santa but also begins to have a lot of doubts! A picture with Santa in our home will help a lot!

6 years ago

I will always believe!! What a cute app to use with little ones. I will have to write this one down to show the grandkids when they come over.

6 years ago

I did something like this last year and my younger kids went nuts! So fun and magical for them to see and believe!

6 years ago

My mother in law has done something similar for the kids. It is super fun.

Nancy at Whispered Inspirations

I absolutely love this. We do this and we still have a believer and I will always believe too!

Christina Ebbesen
6 years ago

This app is so cute, thanks for sharing, i am sure my kids will love 🙂

GiGi Eats
6 years ago

Ha! What a cute concept. Not going to lie though, my husband and I decided that when we have our kid, we are not going to convince him that Santa is real.

Monica Melena
6 years ago

Wonderful decision, thanks for sharing, it will come in handy for me, this is fun entertainment!
Magical holidays ahead)