Coffee Lovers Beware: Better Brews are Here!
To say that I LIVE on coffee wouldn’t be exaggerating. I literally can’t do anything until I’ve had my coffee. People like me who drink…
Menucha is a Jersey girl living in big New York with her husband and little boy. She is currently fulfilling her dream to be a stay at home mom. She loves crafting, the color purple, and chocolate. Menucha blogs at momsandcrafters.com in between making jewelry and working as a freelance graphic designer.
To say that I LIVE on coffee wouldn’t be exaggerating. I literally can’t do anything until I’ve had my coffee. People like me who drink…
I’m a boy mom, and one of the first things I learned about dressing boys: the clothing is so stinkin cute. I’ll confess: before I…
My three-year-old is hard to entertain. He likes to play, but needs to be active. He actually JUST started school yesterday, and it was tough…
Spring is well underway, Summer is almost here, and it’s time to dress those feet accordingly! Call me lazy, but one thing I make sure…
Nature is beautiful. Nature is perfect. Why play around with and try to “improve” nature? “Coyuchi brings the inherent beauty of natural materials into your…
I remember when M, my now two-year-old, was six months, breastfeeding, and teething. It was hard. I’d take breaks in middle, during which he’d play…
Part of a young child’s learning and discovering experience is creating. By making things, your child learns hands-on lessons in problem-solving, learns lessons in a…
Have you ever been stuck in a mall, or another public place, needing to change a diaper, but finding that only the ladies…
I love the idea of giving personal gifts, and books are always a favorite choice of mine. I always say that a child can never…
I was always a bit disappointed with the variety available when it comes to nursing intimates. I’d scour stores for something decent, and when I…