Anke’s Fit Bakery-Natural Ingredients Yummy Cookies + More


Anke’s Fit Bakery is just that.  A bakery that doesn’t use processed foods to create her delicious snacks and treats.  Not only is Anke interested in being fit, she lives it.  Although she was brought up in a household of sweet treats when she was in Germany not to mention being an apprentice for a pastry chef, she noticed a need for more healthy alternatives.

Anke has been an athlete every since she was a young child.  She even participated in and completed the New York City Marathon.  She is now not only a ‘fit’ baker, she is also a fitness trainer.  

In her creating delicious snacks, she does not use refined sugar or brown sugar.  She only uses (and in moderation): Organic Maple Syrup, Organic agave nectar, Organic sucanat, and Natural raw cane sugar. She believes that you should be able to taste the actual food/ingredients and it not be covered up by preservatives and an overwhelming amount of sugars.  You can read more about Anke, and what ingredients she chooses to use in her fit bakery.

What Did I Get to Try?

I just love chocolate.  It is like I have had a love affair with that and peanut butter for a long time. With Anke’s “Chocolate Chip Cookies” I was able to enjoy them without feeling guilty that I was eating flour or sugar that wasn’t good for me.  Chocolate Oat Crunch Cookies,  The Oat’er Ginger Snaps were also wonderful! (I hate to compare it, but there were some nights these cookies were like ‘lays potato chips’-you can’t eat just one BUT they were much more satisfying and I didn’t have a greasy feeling face after eating them.

Then there are their delicious Granola mixtures. Cranberry Almond Granola is awesome in vanilla yogurt.  I also enjoyed the Cocoa Banana Granola plain and in coffee flavored yogurt as well.  They taste great and yet you know you aren’t getting tons of nasty sugars. You can shop on their online store.

You can find Anke’s Fit Bakery on Facebook , Twitter and visit them on their website.

This product was received from the above company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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