A Mother’s Tips on How to Encourage Healthy and Productive Use of the iPad


The rise of developing technology transcends almost everything. New things have been invented to explore the universe and the deepest oceans. It’s no surprise that it can also aid you in honing and developing your child’s capabilities and potential.

 Ever since the first release of the iPad in 2010, it has been recognized for its many uses, ranging from the creatives industry of creating digital art to the educational sector as an aid in teaching. According to the Center for Parenting Education, kids and teenagers from the ages 8 to 28 spend an estimated number of 44.5 hours per week in front of digital screens. With this amount of screen time, it’s essential that you encourage healthy and productive use of the device.

You can introduce educational applications and monitor their daily usage.

As a parent, it’s natural for you to want what is best for your child. Here are some tips on how to make your kid’s use of the iPad the healthy way.

  1. Establish and monitor screen time

As the saying goes, “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.” This also applies to when your child uses an iPad. As a parent, you must control what they consume and how much of it. Uncontrolled and unchecked usage may lead to addiction and unhealthy consumption.

Limit your child’s use of an iPad from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on how old your child is. Another good thing is to maximize and implement frequent screen time breaks whenever your child is using the device. This lets them rest their eyes and prevent them from becoming addicted. There are existing applications that automatically limit the usage of your own device and has a countdown to let your child know how much time they have left.

  1. Introduce them to educational applications

There are many applications available on iPad that cater to educating kids most especially in their formative years. Unfortunately, there are existing applications that pose more harm than good, that is why you must always be wary and only expose your child to trusted applications  such as Kids Academy Talented & Gifted.

Kids Academy Talented & Gifted is a trusted iPad application that caters to enhancing your child’s capabilities in and out of the classroom. Its many goals are teaching your kid to his or her needs and capabilities and having your involvement by sending you updates on their progress.

Watch video here.

  1. Limit their access to other websites and applications

An iPad connected to the internet can access almost any data, including dangerous websites, if left unchecked. Convert your iPad into a child-friendly one by limiting its access to secured sites and applications. Download applications that block harmful websites and limit accessibility while in your child’s use.

Final Thoughts

Your child’s development as an individual is most important. Utilizing the iPad is a good step in helping them achieve the best that they can attain. Protecting them from negative and dangerous applications and exposing them to positive and brain stimulating applications are two of the most crucial factors to practice with your child’s usage of the iPad.

About Author

Dee Carreon

Mom Blog Society guest writers are comprised of men and women who feature brands from around the world. They encompass our vision to utilize the power and potential of the Internet to connect consumers and brands around the world as never before.

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