7 Fun Family Activities You Can Enjoy With Kids Together


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Having fun with your kids doesn’t have to involve everyone staring at their phones or watching TV. There are so many imaginative ways to connect with your kids that you might not be aware of. Kids and parents can take the time to bond over these kinds of interactions, and you will have so much fun together doing these activities.

Family activities can take many forms, and there are items on this list that are perfect for rainy days as well as summer adventures. You should never feel like the only time that you can bond with your kids is when they are in the car with you or when you are forcing them to sit down for a talk.

If you are ready to find out what kinds of fun family activities you can enjoy with your kids, read on!

Fun Family Activities You Can Enjoy With Kids Together

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1.       Hide and Seek

Who doesn’t love hide and seek? Everyone can have fun with this game, and it offers the benefit of being friendly to all ages of children. This is a great choice if you have kids of varying ages that can’t always play together with ease.

Hide and seek can be played both indoors and in the backyard, and you will love that you can all laugh and be silly together in this simple way. Being able to include the youngest kids in your family in the fun is very important, and this game offers everyone equal footing to have fun.

2.       Bake

Baking is a timeless way to connect with your kids. You can make anything from bread to cookies, and your whole family will have a great time creating delicious food together. Items like cookies offer the added fun of decorating them, and kids of all ages will love getting to do this with you.

This is a really social kind of interaction that offers you the chance to chat with your kids as you work. This is a great way to get teens talking to you when they would normally clam up and not want to share. You can have a lot of fun making bakery items with your kids and then sharing them later.

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3.       Board Games

Board games might seem like they are not relevant anymore, but kids of all ages still enjoy them. This is a really fun way to use brainpower to create a strategy for your play, and you will have lots of fun picking out different kinds of games that cater to all the ages of the kids in your house.

There are so many kinds of board games, and you can also pick from card games. Many people use this tool to connect with their kids once a week on game night, and you might want to pair the game experience with their favorite food. Taco Tuesday or pizza night with games can be a great family fun activity.

4.       Science Kits

Science kits can be a really fun way for your family to bond while you all learn something new. There are lots of these kits for sale through places like Amazon, and you can make everything from crystals to volcanoes in your kitchen using these kits.

The nice thing about science kits is that they come at many different skill levels. You can invest in a kit for your older kids and another that is tailored for little kids. This is a really fun and educational way to have fun with your kids, and it provides something to talk about later when the project is completed.

5.       Tell Stories

If you want to encourage imagination, you can have your kids sit in a circle with you and take turns telling a story. The best way to encourage collaboration with this activity is to use a prompt and tell a small part of the story yourself. You then pass the story around the circle, and each person adds to it.

This is a really fun way to have some laughs and to work on a project together that is entirely based on imagination. Kids of all ages can have fun with this activity, and it will encourage talking, which can be tough to get older kids to do.

6.       Yoga

Yoga can be a great bonding experience, and it has the benefit of being easy to scale to different ages of children. Yoga is great for meditative thinking and to help with stretching and getting the wiggles out. This can be a great way to help kids get back on track if they are feeling cooped up in the house, and it can help older kids to relax and manage teenage stress.

Yoga can be simple or challenging, and your family can choose from lots of different kinds of practice. There are lots of yoga tutorials and classes for free on YouTube, and you can easily change up the way that your family uses this tool depending on the needs of the day.

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7.       Dress Up or Wear Costumes

If you want to have a really silly time, you can invite your kids to get dressed up for dinner in their fanciest clothes or host a costume party in your own home. Kids love to dress up, and even older kids will have fun trying on zany costumes or wearing their old prom dress that is still hanging in the closet.

You can pair this event with something fun like Twister or some online dance lessons to match your fancy dress. Dressing up is fun for all ages, and you can easily include all of your kids in this kind of activity.

8.       Rent a Bounce House or Slide

If you want to have a ton of fun with your kids, you can easily rent a bounce house or a big slide for a day or even a few days! Kids and adults alike love these kinds of adventures and you can play games, be active, and enjoy some outdoor time together with ease.

You don’t need an excuse like a party to rent a slide or bounce house! Treat your family to a really fun day or two with your own private bounce house or slide!

Family Activities Are Really Beneficial

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If you have been struggling to get your kids to talk to you or to one another, these fun activities are social and encourage a sense of family bonding. Taking your kids away from their homework, friends, and phones for a while can help your family to maintain a strong bond and enjoy fun times that would not be possible otherwise. Family activities are a great way to keep your family connection strong.



About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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