7 Rafting Equipment That Will Help You Survive a Flash Flood


Flash floods are one of the most hazardous events to encounter while white water rafting. The scary thing about flash floods is that they can happen in a matter of seconds. Tons and tons of water and debris can come tumbling in without any warning. The debris is usually a mixture of objects that the water has picked up along the way such as concrete blocks, large pieces of wood, and stones.

Even if you are in a raft, you are still not totally safe. Overall, flash floods are very dangerous. You should be as prepared as possible to handle the flood and its after-effects.  Here are 7 life-saving accessories that are essential for flash floods.


  • Lifejackets


Lifejackets are a must for any rafting adventure. Remember that when flash floods occur, debris is the biggest hazard. It consists of everything that the water has picked up along the way. This can include very heavy and hard objects, and if they hit you, some of your limbs can get incapacitated. This will make swimming to safety or holding onto something very difficult.

With a life-jacket, you will always stay afloat. Thuss increasing your likelihood of survival. This is why you should make sure to store life jackets in your raft. Store them somewhere accessible and dry. That way, you won’t forget to wear them when you go rafting. 


  • First-Aid Kit Bag


As it was stated earlier, flash floods are really hazardous events. They can occur at any time, and they can cause life-threatening injuries. This is why you should always have a first-aid bag at the ready.

The bag should have all the essentials such as bandages, disinfectants, sewing kits, tourniquets, adhesive tape, and splints. It should also have a ready supply of medicine that you may need during an emergency. This includes pain killers, antibiotics, and laxatives. If you rely on maintenance medication, you should also store at least a week’s supply in your first-aid bag. 


  • Emergency Flashlight


Like any natural disaster, flash floods can occur at any time. It can occur at nighttime, and the dangers grow exponentially at night. If you go rafting at night, there are always some risks. Add this with the impending danger of flash floods and getting hit by debris, you have a nightmare scenario. This is why you should always have a sturdy waterproof flashlight at the ready.

Your phone does have a flashlight, but it may not be strong enough and can be damaged by the water. Waterproof flashlights, on the other hand, are specially designed to work underwater and have a great illuminating effect.


  • Emergency Rations


Aside from the immediate effects of flash floods, the aftereffects are just as worse. A flash flood leaves death and devastation in its wake. You might get swept off course and be brought to an area you are not familiar with. The surrounding area may be bereft of food and it may take the rescuers a few days to find you. During this time, you may be left to your own devices. This is why you need emergency rations.

By having emergency rations at the ready, you will be able to last until help arrives. Your emergency rations should consist of ready to eat food such as crackers, beef jerky, and energy bars. They should also contain canned goods and dehydrated food such as rice and oats. Your rations should be stored in waterproof containers and last you for at least a week.


  • Floating Apparatuses


When it comes to surviving a flash flood, the most important thing is staying afloat. Flash floods are treacherous. If the strong water current does not drag you in, the debris can come hurtling at you and knock you out. This is why you need floating apparatuses at hand. 

Rafts are perfect for maneuvering through the debris, but it always helps to have additional floating gear on hand. One precaution that you can take against flash floods is to use floating docks. Companies such as Hiseadock.com create easy-to-assemble floating docks that are very buoyant and resistant to damage. These make them perfect pieces of equipment for flash floods. 


  • Sealed Drinking Water


As ironic as it may seem, flash floods make it very difficult to get drinking water. The floodwater is undrinkable because of the debris and other substances that it has picked up. This is why you should have sealed drinking water stored.

You can last without food for weeks. But, without water, you will most likely die of dehydration within a few days. So make it a habit to store drinking water on a regular basis. You never know when an emergency might hit, so it pays to be prepared.


  • Helmets 


Helmets are one of the most important bits of equipment you can have while rafting. Remember that rafting is an already intense experience. But, if you add flash floods as a factor, it becomes totally deadly.  Debris can come hurtling at you and smash you in the head. They can cause concussions and even instant death. This is why you should take the necessary precautions. By having a helmet, you will be able to increase your chances of survival.



Flash floods are an ever-present danger while white water rafting. This is especially true if you are rafting during the rainy seasons or on rivers you are unfamiliar with. Flash floods can come in a moment’s notice. So, make sure that you have the right tools at the ready. You never know, they may save your life someday.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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