5 Important Gifts to Give for a Baby Shower


Baby showers are always a joy to be invited to, it is a time of celebration for the new Mom to be.  The only thing is wondering what you should get the new Mom to be that might be different from everyone else that will be attending.

5 Important Gifts to Give for a Baby Shower

5 Important Gifts You Can Give

Why Choose Bamboo Diapers?


  1. Diapers: As you probably know babies go through an unbelievable amount of diapers.  You can either purchase newborn diapers or possibly gift certificates to get diapers since they will change sizes quickly.  If you want to purchase diapers you can get a variety of sizes from Little Toes. Moms get plenty of diapers at baby showers but have likely never received bamboo diapers. These will show you care about the health of the baby and the environment so they’re a great gift. You can also get them for low prices when bought in bulk. Not only will you be able to save, but the supply will also last longer. To read more about them, visit MyMomShops. They review a whole range of diapers and baby toys
  2. Diaper Bag:  Sometimes the Mom to be will put what diaper bag she wants on her registry.  Never fear if she does, as Moms can always use more than one.  Either they get dirty and need to be washed, or they just get worn out. And often Dad, Grandma or another caregiver might need his/her own diaper bag. So, a diaper bag is always a welcomed gift.
  3. Socks: Get 3 pairs of socks in each incremental size: 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months.  Mom will appreciate the variety of sizes and the baby will have socks to keep their feet warm.
    Poop Happens! When it Does Use this One Time Bamboo Natural Diaper Changing Set
  4. For the working or Mom on the go, you can get diaper changing sets which include:
    (1) Natural Bamboo Baby Diaper, size small (6.6-17.6 lbs. / 3-8 kg)
    (2) Natural Diaper Rash Cream Packet (5 ml/each)
    (1) Bamboo Natural Baby Wipes Packet (10 wipes)
    (1) Biodegradable Hand Sanitizing Wipe
    (1) Disposable Diaper Changing Pad
    You can purchase a few of these to go with a diaper bag as a gift, as any mother loves a diaper bag full of goodies.  The benefit of the changing set is the mom has everything she needs in one bag, so she doesn’t have to lug the entire diaper bag everywhere she goes. She can store one in each parent’s car, in grandparents’ cars and other similar places in case of emergency. And ready-made kits are hard to come by. Many moms try to make their own, but in a hurry, the changing sets will be appreciated. Plus, keeping a changing set in the car or at one stored in the car
  5. Hire a maidI know you probably think I am crazy but if a couple friends went in together and hired a maid even for 2 cleanings. I know the new Mom would really appreciate it.  Or once they are feeling better and can get out of the house, having a maid come to tidy up will be a very appreciated gift.
You will try them for the convenience but love them, because of the quality of their natural products.

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About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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Sarah Bailey
7 years ago

This is such a useful post as I have to admit I wouldn’t know where to start with what is a useful gift for a baby shower! Thank you.

GiGi Eats
7 years ago

Diapers – ALWAYSSSSS diapers! ha! I would just give them like a 5 year supply!

7 years ago

Hiring a maid is the best idea for new parents! And bringing ready to go healthy meals!

7 years ago

I would never have thought a hire a maid service but what a smart, amazing idea. I’m totally doing this next time I have a baby shower to attend. The rest are good ideas as well but I feel like they are things everyone gets. Great list.

Jennifer Rollins
Jennifer Rollins
7 years ago

You can never have too many diapers, that’s for sure! I wish that someone had hired a maid for me, babies are so much work. I never had time to clean my house!

7 years ago

great gifts the top 2 used all the time and the socks, we all know we need plenty of these. Thanks for sharing a great post helping those who may be wondering what gift to give

7 years ago

Hire a maid is a fantastic gift, I think Mommy will never forget this gift. Other one I liked is a diaper changing set. You suggested some awesome gift ideas!!!

Marissa Zurfluh
7 years ago

A maid is a great idea! I like to get mittens so they don’t scratch themselves.

7 years ago

These are great gifting ideas for bridal showers. I always thought about cakes alone. Got more options now. Thanks!

7 years ago

Ah yes, I remember my baby shower. I always think Diapers are great because you can never have enough with a new baby.

Kelly Hutchinson
7 years ago

I remember thinking at my baby shower how I wished I had gotten diapers! Ever since, I try to include those when we attend a shower.

Best Gifts
7 years ago

Always prefer giving a Socks on Baby Shower ! You never know when you run out of them

Keki Cannon
7 years ago

great gift ideas. i hosted a baby shower and we definintely had some of these items! thanks for sharing.