4 Tips to Improving Your Thyroid Health


Hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune deficiency that is common in women and is not something that can be avoided. However, there are ways to improve your thyroid health to eliminate unsavory symptoms that you will experience due to your thyroid challenges. Taking care of your thyroid health is critical to living an enjoyable life. This article will uncover some helpful tips for improving your thyroid health.

  1. Supplements. Used for over thousands of years, ashwagandha and thyroid use have become a popular topic of conversation amongst medical providers in the United States and all over the world for that matter. The reason that it is a hot topic is that supplements such as ashwagandha have been proven to help prevent or remedy some health disorders such as problems with one’s thyroid. It is a type of ginseng that offers healing properties and is a plant-based herb. If you or your loved one are not keen on taking prescribed medications, it may be worthwhile to try a natural supplement such as ashwagandha.

  2. Eat a diet for those with autoimmune deficiencies. When you have an autoimmune deficiency, there are types of foods that are better to eat than others. In fact, many shares that avoiding soy, vegetable oil, sugar, nuts, and some dairy products will help decrease the effects of the autoimmune deficiency. If these foods are not avoided, some symptoms may be exasperated due to the inflammatory properties that they possess. One particular food that has been known to help those with autoimmune challenges is coconut oil. The reason for this is that coconut oil lauric acid and the right amount of fatty acids. Other foods to consider adding to your diet include but are not limited to fish and lean protein.

  3. Pay attention to your lifestyle. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep every night. This can be quite hard if you have kids or you work long hours, but your body will feel so much better if you can allow it the time it needs to get a good night of rest. Another habit to take on is to make it a priority to get some physical exercise in as much as you can. Consider adding a long walk to your daily routine or add in some weight training.

  4. Drink water. One may find that drinking water can make them experience feelings of having to use the bathroom all of the time but this is important as your body is cleaning out toxins. Drinking enough water will help your body perform better overall, will help you stay energized throughout the day, and can decrease your appetite. In fact, sometimes your body may mistake being thirsty for hunger. Drinking water is a critical component to staying healthy and it is not mentioned enough. If you have an autoimmune deficiency, one of the easiest things that you can do to live a better life is to drink enough water on a daily basis.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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7 years ago

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