5 Tips to Traveling This Year


With the onset of a new year comes the implementation of New Year’s resolutions. For lovers of travel and adventure, this brings more plans to visit highly coveted travel destinations. Turning your resolutions into a reality might be difficult, especially with the numerous activities and expenses that one might have to incur such as fees and other family requirements. This should not deter you from traveling and having a wonderful time away from the daily hassles. It requires a bit of sacrifice, patience, and proper planning when traveling and here are tips on how to travel this year.

Travel medicine and insurance

The thought of an accident or illness doesn’t normally come to mind when traveling but anything can happen. With travel insurance and medicine, you worry less about stolen items and medical emergency bills.  Seek services from a travel medicine clinic to get more advice on the travel vaccines, immunizations, and recommended prescriptions during your travel.

Choose off-peak season

Off-peak season fall under a time of the year when fewer people are planning on traveling. Despite busy schedules preventing you from traveling during certain days of the year,

forcing you to travel during the holidays, understand that during this time, most accommodation rates and airlines hike their prices. A day before a certain holiday or festivity like Christmas isn’t the best day to travel. Always plan to travel at least two days earlier and book your flight earlier in advance in case you will be traveling by air.

Carry less

Larger luggage tends to cause unnecessary expenses, especially if you will be taking a flight and there is a maximum amount of weight allowed. They are also cumbersome, which might make you not to fully enjoy your travel due to exhaustion. Try to carry less stuff limiting yourself to only what you will need during your trip. You can buy any extra stuff that you need at your travel destination.

Make a plan and budget

Whether you are going shopping or traveling, making a budget always come in handy reducing any unnecessary costs. Effectively plan your trip by creating a list of all the destinations, costs and overall expenditure.  Numerous travel resources can also be found online that can help you save some money. They provide deals and information on hotel rates, bookings on airfares and hotel accommodation.

Also, remember to stash some extra cash in different places like luggage side pockets, socks etc. just in case you do not have access to an ATM or money outlet where you will be. The money also helps with any additional expenses that you had not planned for.

Feel free to explore

Different people from different parts of the world have different cultures. Be flexible to mingle with the community and local lifestyles of the place you will be traveling to. You will definitely learn something new, new cultures, lifestyles, interests, and opinions.

Although it might be tricky and not safe to eat the local food, find and pick out a few places where you can try out the local food. Find out from the locals the best joints in town. Don’t be afraid and taste a bit of the street food.

Traveling is meant to be fun and with the proper planning, you can have a wonderful time with your friends and family and marvel at what nature has to offer.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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