Two Delicious Ways to Eat Healthier


 I’m always looking for more great ways to eat healthier as a family. Today’s market of organic foods and super foods from brands such as Numi Tea and Nutiva make the whole difference for me. 

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numi tea 1Tea is naturally a wholesome, healthy food, and I like to keep it that way! Numi Organic Tea makes sure that the tea I drink is really that healthy. They are made from REAL teas, fruit, and more – no artificial flavors! 

Numi inspires well-being of mind, body and spirit through the simple art of tea. Our company is rooted in the principle of creating a healthful product that nurtures people and honors the planet. In all of our company initiatives, we strive to foster a healthy, thriving global community while bringing you the purest, best-tasting organic tea.”


 When you drink Numi teas you can be sure you are getting a tea that is:

  • Organic – with the USDA Organic seal
  • Fair trade certified
  • Non GMO
  • Carbon free certified
  • Halal certified
  • Certified Kosher by Apple K
  • Made responsibly using eco-friendly practices and materials



Want to play it up a little? Here’s a fun recipe to try:

Lemon Mint Sweet Tea for Two
Serves 2
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
  1. 1 Numi Tea Moroccan Mint tea bag
  2. Pulp and juice from half a lemon
  3. 1 T honey
  4. 2 cups water
  5. 1 cup ice
  6. Fresh mint leaves
  7. Two slices of lemon
  1. Boil your water. Add the tea bag and allow it to steep for ten minutes to get out all the flavor.
  2. Remove the tea bag. Mix in the lemon juice and honey. Stir until the honey is totally dissolved.
  3. Pour ice into two tall 16 oz. cups. Pour the tea over it.
  4. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and a slice of lemon.
Mom Blog Society

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IMG_4553For a while, I’ve been hearing about chia seeds as a great super food, but I hadn’t actually used them until recently. Chia sees, for those of you who haven’t heard of them, is a little seed that look similar to sesame that is loaded with good stuff.

“A traditional South American crop, chia seed (Latin name Salvia hispanica L.) has been used for thousands of years. In fact, archaeological evidence indicates that humans have been using chia as early as 3500 BCE!

Making a comeback in healthy diets, these super seeds are an excellent source of essential minerals such as phosphorous, manganese, calcium, sodium and potassium.”

It is loaded with antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and is also a great source of protein and fiber! I’m always looking for more ways to get my toddler to eat more proteins, and adding some chia seeds to his foods really helps! It practically dissolves into the foods so he doesn’t really notice it. Sneaky of me, isn’t it?


Nutiva chia seeds are:

  • Certified USDA Organic
  • Non GMO
  • Certified gluten free
  • Certified Kosher by the OU
  • Full of great ideas on the package
  • Available in black, white, and ground

Visit the links below to learn more about my new favorite  ways to eat healthier! 


Connect with Numi and Nutiva :

Shop Numi   |   Shop Nutiva   |  Numi Facebook  |    Nutiva Facebook   |   Numi Twitter   |   Nutiva Twitter

This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

About Author


Menucha is a Jersey girl living in big New York with her husband and little boy. She is currently fulfilling her dream to be a stay at home mom. She loves crafting, the color purple, and chocolate. Menucha blogs at in between making jewelry and working as a freelance graphic designer.

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Rachel @ Slim Life
9 years ago

I’m not really a fan of tea but sometimes I drink it for the sake of my health. Thank you for the recipe. What do you think are the other fruits that can blend well with mint? I want to try different flavors. 🙂