Top 10 sleep mistakes parents make with kids


The most challenging part for a new parent is making your fussy newborn sleep. There are times even the best-behaved babies’ lack sleep. There is no standard rule for getting a baby into sleep.

Most people need time to sleep, babies are no different than elders, but there are some major mistakes parents do unknowingly, and they need, to be sorted out as soon as possible. It will also make the bond between parent and baby much stronger.

Top 10 parenting mistakes

  1. Creating sleep crutches

When it gets late, and you are exhausted, then you try to do everything that will make your baby sleep. You try every possible thing that can make him sleep like walking, singing, swinging, jumping, talking, etc.

if you do it often then these small things become your baby’s habit or sleep crutches. It might not be a problem at first, but it can become very tiring as time passes and your baby won’t sleep without them.

  1. Using an uncomfortable mattress

One does not understand the power of a comfy mattress until he has a baby. Parents should ensure the quality of the mattress when they switch the baby from cot to bed.

A comfortable mattress is very important for good sleep for baby. An uncomfortable bed might disturb your baby’s sleep.

  1. Not a good sleeping routine

A good sleeping routine is very important for your baby. Parents often make this mistake and ignore their baby’s sleep. An upset and late routine might get your baby overtired and slightly hyperactive. Babies send out signals when they are getting tired or sleepy.

Some of the cues include eye rubbing, yawning, whining, and sometimes fussing. When babies are sleepy, they lost interest in games so parents should not ignore it, instead make a good and routine for their babies.

  1. Putting him to sleep wherever you are

This is a common mistake parent make with their kids. The truth is making your kid sleep in a car seat, in the stroller, or any other place other than his bed, makes the kid uncomfortable, and the baby doesn’t go in a deep sleep.

West says, ‘motion sleep keeps the brain in light sleep, so the child isn’t falling into a deep sleep, restful slumber.’

Baby should sleep in a familiar zone, or a room where he takes a nap at the same time every day or take a portable bassinet with you everywhere you go.

To develop a good sleeping habit for a baby, parents should stay consistent and try to make the baby sleep in the same space where he usually sleeps each day.

  1. Distraction at bedtime

Make sure that your baby doesn’t get disturbed at night when he sleeps. Turning on the light at the middle of the night can disturb your baby’s sleep.

Always keep in mind to keep your TV off and make sure the room is dark enough and absorb the household sounds to prevent from distracting him while sleeping.

  1. Immediately attending to a child

It’s an instinct of a new parent to hold their child in their arms and soothe him as soon as he cries. It’s one of the greatest mistakes that people do to ruin their sleep.

It’s natural for kids to cry in their sleep. When you reach them too hurriedly, it becomes a habit, and they start expecting someone to come and soothe them.

Wait for a few minutes and note that they are crying without reason or are they hungry. Your baby might just be partially awake, let him fuss for a few minutes he might get to sleep soon.

  1. Applying lots of different sleep techniques

When it comes to making a baby sleep, parents often try lots of different techniques to make them sleep, which might be a problem for your child. It might confuse your child leading him to cry at bedtime. 

Make a proper sleep plan for your baby during day time and night time. Keep in mind that overfeeding and underfeeding can result in trouble sleeping for your kid.

  1. Mom and dad aren’t on the same page

Parents should discuss the tactics to make their child sleep. Their routine might be slightly different, but it’s totally fine as long as they are not doing the opposite. Big decisions should be agreed in advance.

West says ‘parents must be united when it comes to improving their child’s sleep.’

  1. Making sleep decisions in the middle of the night

Making wise decisions in the middle of the night is very hard. Babies should have a proper sleeping routine for every day. Middle of the night waking is usually when parents make their biggest sleeping mistakes.

When you try different techniques and get tired after 30 minutes, you let them cry and rock him sleep when you can’t take it anymore.

When you give what your child needs whenever he cries, he’ll learn that if he cries, he’ll get what he wants so he will do it again. Ask your spouse when you think you are not making good decisions for your baby.

  1. Giving up too early

Consistent behavior is the key to success in every condition. If you are not consistent, you are more likely to get fail fast. Taking care of your baby’s sleep requires consistency. New parents often give up too fast, which may disturb the baby’s sleep.

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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Sarah L
5 years ago

My son is 8 months old we could never get him to stay asleep through the night. I felt like a zombie for weeks then it turned into month but my friend from my local moms group sent me this link and told me it was saving her life. I tried it and it’s seriously a miracle, thought I would share with y’all

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