Think L’BRI For Skin Improvement!


As I am getting older I am always looking for new ways to improve my skin. That is one reason why I trust L’BRI PURE n’ NATURAL! I need some skin improvement now that I am aging a bit. I have always taken great care of my skin, but aging is natural. 

I prefer to slow it down as much as possible and so that takes a little assistance. I also am a huge fan of natural things to use. I am practically obsessed with it. I found with L’BRI that the first ingredient in all of their products is Aloe Vera. How amazing is that? How many products can you find that can say that? Not too many! That is one reason that these products are so amazing. 

All of these products that follow are Anti-Aging but I like to call it skin improvement because it is improving what is already there. You all are beautiful and sometimes we just need a little assistance to keep looking fabulous! Let’s learn some more about these products to help improve your skin from L’BRI

Maxifirm Skin Renewal Complex Serum

This is beneficial for mature skin. It encouraging cell production. Maxifirm Skin Renewal Complex Serum increases deep hydration which is particularly important for the skin. So many people take hydration for granted. MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE! It is something I tell my teenage daughter all the time. She will thank me when she is my age! 

This serum improves elasticity, radiance, and firmness of the skin. Which makes it perfect for the aging skin that needs a little extra lift. It penetrates deep in the skin and helps lock in important nutrients for aging skin. Will improve the overall look of your skin, keeping you looking younger! I say that is a win as I find these crows-feet growing in intensity! 

Time Erase AHA Slow Release Serum

I don’t know about you guys, but I have humongous pores. I swear they just get worse with age. It becomes harder to wear foundations or find ways to look nice without feeling like people could be sucked into the vortex of the gravitational pull of my black hole size pores. Perhaps I am exaggerating, but that is how it goes. 

L’BRI has one amazing that helps just that and then some. Time Erase AHA Slow Release Serum stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. It decreases the appearance of scars, reduces those fine lines around the eyes, fades age spots, and reduces the size of pores. That last one has to be my favorite! 

Dermaplex A Line Reversal Peptide Serum

As we get older we get these awesome expression lines. I am a smiler. I have smile lines and some crinckles on my forehead. It shows that I certainly know how to smile a lot, but as I get older they are more prominent. Dermaplex A Line Reversal Peptide Serum can help take care of facial expression lines. 

It includes hexapeptide technology that works on the appearance of lines and wrinkles. One of its best parts of this is it helps to keep new wrinkles from forming. I figure it is great to keep those things from forming and at least minimize what has already formed! Wish I had started this anti-aging stuff in my twenties! Might have stopped some of these from even showing up! 

Now one thing to keep in mind with all these serums is you can use them all at the same time BUT, do not layer them. There is actually a way you are supposed to apply these to use them effectively. Want to get the best use of these serums. So be sure to view the Serum Application Guide. After applying the serum you want to moisturize. Remember I mentioned that before? 

Neck Firming Cream

So another thing I have learned as I am getting older is I have a sag in my neck. It is almost like a double chin. At first, I blamed the fact I gained a lot of weight and lost weight, but it still sagged away along with more lines down my neck. Luckily L’BRI Neck Firming Cream can help you with all of that! 

It is best used on the neck and upper chest. There are a plethora of natural ingredients along with plant stem cells that help to preserve your skin and help it to behave like younger skin. So it will firm it up and help decrease the sag and looseness of the skin as it ages. It works from the inside out plumping and helping your skin look amazing again. 

One last thing I want to emphasize about skincare and anti-aging is DON’T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN! This is incredibly important. L’BRI has so many things available and since you are trying to preserve your skin and make it younger, one of your biggest enemies is the sun! So be sure to get some L’Bri sunscreen and protect your skin. 

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About Author


Mother of two beautiful daughters that keep her busy. She also has an eclectic home full of animals. Currently has 2 dogs Trixie (13 yrs old) a terrier mix and Willow (3) an Alaskan Malamute. There are currently 3 cats that own her Cali (16), Catniss EverPurr (4), and Fizzgig a kitten who is the biggest dictator of all. Last, but certainly not least, Morton a chinchilla (10). Wren enjoys home improvement projects and is always doing something on the fly if it is repainting all her cabinets or ripping out the carpets, she enjoys the challenge and loves improving her home. Most people on the internet know her as Leotastic or Leo for short. She streams video games on Twitch and/or Mixer and truly enjoys the community there. In her free time, she plays Dungeons and Dragons with her friends or goes out and sings terrible karaoke.

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Kathy Kenny Ngo
5 years ago

With how fancy it look, I can’t help but think that it better work haha.


I am all in if a product makes my skin firm, I love well-formulated products as I want to look 20 for a long time. Thanks for this review, sounds intiguing

5 years ago

My favorite is L’BRI Neck Firming Cream as it can help to firm the skin around the neck. I also love that it has natural ingredients.

Megan Kerry
5 years ago

Loved your photos with the pearls! Your review has me convinced to give this line a try:) You’re so right about the sunscreen! Wish I would have used more of it in my 20’s!!

Fae Celine
5 years ago

I love a good skincare routine. Most of my products are from Korea since they have the best products when it comes to skincare. L’BRI sounds great as well, will check it out.

5 years ago

I recently discovered that taking care of our skin is so important and yes esp when we age. Man, thinking of ways to improve mine now. maybe moisturizers can be of start. My dry skin will like that

5 years ago

I have never heard of this brand. The serum sounds amazing, because I do have large pores x


Patricia Martin
5 years ago

I feel like I need some help with my skin and this looks so good, if I only could make myself remember and be disciplined to apply it.

Kalyan Panja
5 years ago

Thanks for sharing these helpful tips for skin improvement which will be useful to many in search of a nice serum or cream.

Mum Mum Ma
Mum Mum Ma
5 years ago

Sounds like an interesting product, I personally prefer natural products but I have a lot of friends who like well-formulated product, will share it with them .

Elizabeth O
Elizabeth O
5 years ago

These are really cool products Glad that it works well on you. Great products can help us gain self confidence and boost our spirit for the day.

5 years ago

More natural skincare is the way to go! This aha serum sounds great!

5 years ago

I have never heard of this brand before, but it sounds great. Like you, my interest in skincare goes up exponentially as I age. Great post!

Lavern Moore
Lavern Moore
5 years ago

Thanks for advising us on this anti aging serum which seems to have benefited you greatly. It seems like something to try.

5 years ago

Couldn’t agree. I can’t leave my house without sunscreen and I love aloe vera it really helps my face more radiant.

David Elliott
5 years ago

Those sound like some pretty amazing and effective serums. I would probably want the time-erase one. I definitely have some damaged skin which could use some help.

5 years ago

L’BRI is a must try product. I always wanted to try this and I have heard a lot about this before and been looking for this one.

Bindu Thomas
Bindu Thomas
5 years ago

Never tried this brand, but your review is awesome. Aloe Vera has a lot of great benefits.

Amy-Lynn Denham
5 years ago

Here comes my number one question for all beauty products (it will never change, I swear)…

What’s in it?

With so many harsh chemicals, endocrine disrupters, etc. out there I am very careful what I put in and on my body. Can you show us the ingredients label?

Arun Dahiya
Arun Dahiya
5 years ago

I really need to try it. Due to medications my skin has become so dull and patchy. Thank you, I am going to check out this product.

5 years ago

These sound great! Especially that serum and sunscreen! I could always use those!

Sue-Tanya Mchorgh
5 years ago

I have never heard of this brand before but I am delighted to learn about it. I am in need of skin care products so I will check it out.

The Virginia Nymph
5 years ago

I am not familiar with this product line at all but my Aunt is on the lookout for a new neck/skin firming cream so I’ll recommend L’BRI Neck Firming Cream to her.

Aalexus Longmire
Aalexus Longmire
5 years ago

May have to try this!

5 years ago

Ohh I am very intrigued!

Dalene Ekirapa
Dalene Ekirapa
5 years ago

Those products have such amazing packaging!!! I love it! Anyway, serums can be such powerful skincare products owing for the fact that they are so active. They must be smelling heavenly too, right?