Think Fun and Games with Winning Moves


Fun Entertainment During the Holidays with Winning Moves

Holidays are jam packed with so many things to do.  Shopping, cooking, parties and more, and sadly the family often ends of going in all directions.  This is a time when we should be concentrating more on BEING TOGETHER.  Think Fun can help to bring family’s around the kitchen table…talking and enjoying each others company!

Family time, learning and fun are all rolled into one with board games, card games, strategy games and more.

Winning Moves carries some of the most loved of games like Boggle (one of my faves), Scrabble, Payday and Hi -Ho! Cherry-O.

Winning Moves

About Winning Moves

wm-logoWinning Moves USA (WMUSA) is a leading maker of board games, card games, and puzzles. Since WMUSA’s first year of operation in 1995, the company has forged a close relationship with one of the world’s largest game companies, Hasbro, Inc., owner of Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley.




Winning Moves

Card games like WaterWorks or Moose Caboose for kids and Canasta and Brainspin for the older set, make perfect stocking stuffers.  Shoppers can find goodies for Secret Santa exchanges at work, like an adorable Rubik’s Key Ring.

We have such a huge family (10 grows kids and their spouses/significant others and 24 grand kids – with another due in Dec.) that we like to do family gifts.  A bundle with a movie, treats and a game…like Scattergories Categories for our kids with older children and  Candy Land or Classic Chutes and Ladders for those with younger littles, is a must.

Winning MovesOur oldest daughter has a close knit group of friends and they all meet at each other’s homes on Sunday nights for dinner and games.  This year she will be getting Pass the Pigs Big Pigs for the group to play.  If you don’t want the Big Pigs, there are lots of other versions!

Winning Moves

Should buyers wish to have extra pieces for one or more games, or if some have been lost…Winning Moves has replacements “parts”! Woop Woop!

 Winning Moves also has a great relationship with Seven Towns, Ltd. (the owners of the Rubik’s brand). As a result, many long-lived Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley games & Rubik’s puzzles are now marketed by WMUSA!

Connect with Winning Moves:  Shop | Facebook | Twitter

This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

About Author


Libby wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Teacher*Friend*Animal Lover* Former Early Pregnancy and Childbirth Educator and Substitute Teacher (preK - 12) *Medically Disabled...SURVIVOR! Libby is very happily married to the love of her life (for 41 yeas), the mother of 10 grown children and "Nonnie" to 23 growing grand children. She adores animals, and is "owned" by two furbabies: Gung Poe Wigglebutt ( a Black Pug, who's mission in life is to be her shadow) and Gabriel, SD, CGC, PAT, (her Service Dog, who is a Chocolate Lab/Weimaraner mix). Libby also has two Red Eared Aquatic Turtles, Tucker and Turner, who couldn't care less about her, other than at meal times!

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vickie couturier
vickie couturier
8 years ago

those are some really cool games, my grandkids would love any of them

8 years ago

These look like so much fun! We love board games! 🙂

Janet W.
Janet W.
8 years ago

These all look like so much fun to play! My grandsons would love to try Pass the Pigs!

Joan Kubes
Joan Kubes
8 years ago

These are all the best classic games. So much fun to spend time with the family playing games!

8 years ago

That’s so funny that ‘Pass the Pig’ is included! Just a few nights ago, I was trying to convince my husband that, when I was a kid, we’d had a game where you tossed pig dice and got points for the position in which the pigs fell (the only specific one I remember is ‘makin’ bacon’)

Laura Schrillo
Laura Schrillo
8 years ago

i used to love waterworks

Tamara Walker
Tamara Walker
8 years ago

I’ve played many of those games and some are my favorites.I have loved Scattegories for ages and Candyland was my favorite when I was a kid.

courtney b
courtney b
8 years ago

wow these are classics ! I totally remember chutes and ladddrs! lol thanks for bringing back the old school memories!

Sherry Compton
Sherry Compton
8 years ago

It’s nice that you have such a big family. Games are great ways to bond and have family time, and there are options for all ages.

Austin Baroudi
Austin Baroudi
8 years ago

Always been a Candy Land family! Chutes and Ladders is cool too! Thanks for sharing.

Jeanna Massman
Jeanna Massman
8 years ago

My grandson would br thrilled if I won this giveaway. He loves it when we play board games with him!

Melissa Storms
Melissa Storms
8 years ago

We have played a lot of the games featured here. Pass the pigs looks like a fun game too.

denise low
8 years ago

Winning moves has lots of great games. Thank you for sharing.

Angela Saver
Angela Saver
8 years ago

Winning Moves has some great games! The Super Scrabble sounds like a lot of fun!

Dotty J Boucher
Dotty J Boucher
8 years ago

Look at all these awesome games, I wouldn’t mind playing a game of candy land right about now,

LeAnn Harbert
LeAnn Harbert
8 years ago

I think my granddaughters would love to play these games. I like that you can order replacement parts of you lose some game pieces.

Audrey Stewart
Audrey Stewart
8 years ago

There are so many of these games from my childhood. I would love to play with the young ones.

Robin Abrams
Robin Abrams
8 years ago

They have a lot of great games. We love playing games with our grandkids. They would love the pass the pig game

Nancy Loring
Nancy Loring
8 years ago

So many of the games bring back childhood memories. Pass the Pig is a new one for me but I do love pigs.

Michelle Plummer
Michelle Plummer
8 years ago

We love playing board games and definitely need to add some to our stash.

Michelle Davies
Michelle Davies
8 years ago

Love this site, very good review.