The dos and don’ts of marketing your brand on social media


There are over 3.5 million active users on social media. The high interest in social media activity is spread across the world, with users accessing the web on both the computer and mobile interfaces. It represents a great untapped market for brands.

There is sufficient interest in brands on social media to make it a worthy venture for your brand. Over 95% of adults on Facebook follow a brand. On Instagram, 80% of all users follow at least one brand. Platforms such as Twitter and Snapchat have also recorded high interest in brands. This interest is so large that brands are now more popular than celebrities online.

You can take advantage of the internet by using social media. However, you need to develop a great strategy to take advantage of the potential benefits the platform has too offered. Here are some dos and don’ts of brad activity on social media for every successful brand.

Don’t overly market your brand

Users will generate interest in your brand without having to regularly be reminded of products and services available. While you can use the platform to help raise product awareness, carry out promotions and inform users on your range of services, you will be better off doing so rarely.

Do diversify your content

You can get a great following from your initial impact, but will need to keep your posts interesting enough to maintain their interests. Users are more likely to make return visits to pages that offer depth in content, as well as in a variety of styles and presentations. They may lose interest in your limited content, which could cause reduced traffic and affect visibility levels.

Do assess your capacity

You should consider which social media platforms to join carefully to avoid giving your brand a bad initial reputation. You need to know what platforms are likely to be best suited to your brand, as well as provide sufficient manpower to deal with any user interactions. By assessing your capacity, you will be better able to manage your social media activity, which will reduce the likelihood o missed comments.

Don’t ignore negative comments

It is natural that some users will have a negative reaction to your brand’s product or service. Social media is a public platform, where these customers may choose to voice their displeasure. You should handle all negative comments without any discrimination or bias, while maintaining the same professional standard of your positive feedback. Some users could have their problem fixed, which may boost the development of a loyal relationship. Others will observe your brand’s values, and may be more likely to develop trust.

Do post regularly

You will need to maintain interest in your brand to make it profitable for your business. In order to increase the level of conversions, you must increase trust in your products and services. However, you need to keep user interest in your brand long enough to share information on your brand. You can do this by posting regularly. Making diverse and interesting posts will attract users to your page more often, which could affect the business metrics to help your business reach its goals.

You can schedule your posts through an appropriate social media manager. This will make sure you do not miss out on high traffic times. However, you can miss out on user engagement during this time. It is important to strike a balance between your posts and ability to engage your clients so as not to lose followers out of neglect.

Do link other brands

You can create a great business partnership with other brands by interacting with them on social media. You should not just limit your activity to potential clients alone. Linking other brands will help build credibility, as well as create brand association. You will be marketing your brand by potentially having your content shared by other brands. This exchange may also help keep your content diverse and help generate a bigger interest in your brand.

Do track analytics

Social media differs from traditional media in a number of aspects, including the ability to measure return on investment. ROI can be difficult for print, radio and television marketing because you do not have any metric to determine performance except expected viewer numbers and target reach. Social media allows you to target audiences more specifically to help drive up sales more significantly.

You can track analytics through Google Analytic tools and other similar sources of support. However you should have measurable working goals to be able to make use of any analytic data collected.

  Do consider paid ads

Paid advertisements are the basis of every great marketing strategy. They offer brands the ability to reach their potential clients better, targeting them by age, location, relevant demographic information and online activity. It can be a great tool to drive up sales because it allows you to reach your exact audiences, as well as offer beneficial features such as remarketing which present products to people who may have already encountered them in the past.

Paid means can be the only option to save your social media campaign on some platforms. For instance, on Instagram, you will have a tough time attracting new followers and generating likes and views on your videos and posts. Users on the platform will prefer more popular content, and have access to a variety of options. You need to create some traction and interest in your brand by considering automatic options to give you more followers for IG or auto likes for instagram, ensuring that your page appears popular and attracts the right visibility level.

Do create a distinction

You should make it a requirement for a person affiliated with your brand in some capacity who is also active on the internet to express their private social media account as their own, and not representing your brand in any way. This will prevent any loss of followers and potentially harmful consequences of a damaged reputation in the event that they say or share something that may go against your brand’s values. You will protect your brand, while allowing your affiliates and employees to take part in social media without risking any harm. 

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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