Ruth Mikos for Absolutely Beautiful Jewelry


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ruth mikosIf you haven’t heard of Ruth Mikos Jewelry, you are really missing out.  She makes these beautiful works for art.

This is Repurposed Vintage Children’s Book, Medium Loop Necklace to the left.  It’s absolutely beautiful on, and is a great gift for anyone who loves vintage, or unique jewelry.  This necklace is a great value at $130.00.

There are also unique earrings in her shop, on etsy.  This pair, pictured below, is only $52.00.  The picture goes together, and would really look good on anyone.


Sarah, my 17 year old daughter, loves her necklace, the one to the left, above.  She wants to go to college to be a teacher, so this was the perfect gift for her.  She was so pleased when she received it.  And, being a senior in high school, knows she definitely wants to be a teacher.  She is very proud to wear this necklace.


“I create the pieces by re-purposing well-loved, well-worn vintage children’s books. Giving the books new life in modern, sophisticated wearable statement pieces. Each piece is one of a kind meant to be treasured for years to come. I infuse my love of stories, childhood and all the wonderful memories associated with it into every piece, hoping to rekindle in you, the magic and wonder that is all around you.”


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This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

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