How to Reduce Moving House Stress


The Best Moving Day Stress Relief Advice

 Although moving into a new home can be one of the most stressful parts of your life, there is plenty you can do to help limit this stress. From researching the new area you’re moving to taking the necessary steps to taking care of yourself, there’s plenty you can work to reduce moving house steps. Below, are our top recommended tips to use to reduce the stress of moving.

Research the New Area

If you’re moving to another area far away from your current home, such as in another state, it’s necessary that you do plenty of research. This way, when you move into your new home, you can feel better prepared for schools, restaurants, malls, and bus stops in the area. So, before the initial move, make sure you research the new area to get more comfortable with your new community.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Unfortunately, time isn’t in your control. Work to give yourself at least eight weeks before your move to get yourself ready for the move, such as hiring professional removalists and properly packing up your belongings. However, taking this time to get yourself ready can greatly limit the amount of stress you feel during your move.

Employ a Support System

To reduce the stress of a move, you should put a trustworthy support system into effect to help you get things done, such as packing up your belongings and generally be a helping hand to rely on. Your support system should include:

  • Friends
  • Family members
  • Relatives
  • Coworkers

However, having a strong support system around you can help your move feel a lot more achievable.

Get Yourself Organized

It’s important that you stay organized during your move. You can do this by listing everything you have to do, dividing them up by the weeks you have before your move, and deciding what days you want to do what. This plan can help you keep yourself on track throughout the entire moving process and reduce your stress levels, too.

Be Flexible

Even if you are completely organized and prepared for your move, unexpected problems can arise. When these issues occur, you should try to be flexible with your plans. Give yourself some wiggle room with your moving plans. Schedule a few extra days to give yourself more time to settle in and deal with unforeseen problems. Plus, knowing you have extra time can make you feel more relaxed when something bad does happen.

Say Goodbye

It’s always hard to say goodbye to your old friends. However, you can relieve some of this pain by making plans to stay in touch or see each other in the future. Set your plans in stone and put them on your calendar before you move so you both will be more likely to follow through on them.

Meet the Neighbors

Even if this is not something you would ordinarily do, it is always a good idea to know your neighbors. Your neighbors can:

  • be new friends
  • lend you a cup of sugar when you need it
  • keep an eye on your home when you’re out of town

For these reasons, it is worthwhile to get to know the people who live in your area.

Be a Joiner

Try to seek out new experiences in your neighborhood. This is a great way to make new friends and regain a bit of normalcy in your life. Introduce yourself to people at work or school. Find new programs and opportunities that you can join to make new friends. Is your child’s school organizing an event? Volunteer for it. This way, you can expand your social horizons in your new hometown.

Take Care of Yourself

When you are feeling stressed, take a step back and focus on the basics. Get a good night’s rest and make sure you are eating well. You can’t focus on your move if you are not taking care of yourself. You must be happy and healthy if you want your move to go off without a hitch.


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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