A Parent’s Guide to WildBrain and Top Shows to Watch (Guilt-Free!)



As the mother of five children, I often struggle to find the balance between appropriate TV shows and active play time. I’m not one to let my kids watch just anything, so when I discover a tool that can help me improve the quality of what my kids are viewing I love it! Enter WildBrain, a media company making amazing kids programming available via YouTube, sometimes even with original new content! Here are some recommendations for guilt-free viewing for various age-ranges of your children.

Caillou – Realistic, Positive Messaging Perfect for Preschoolers

Caillou is an adventurous 4-year boy, but what parents will appreciate most about his adventures is that they are genuinely relatable to what preschool children are facing in their own lives. Learning to get along with his friends, dealing with scary dreams, and trying to make a fun surprise for his mom are all things Caillou deals with throughout various episodes. And as he tackles these challenges, parents are given the perfect opportunity to begin positive conversations with their own preschoolers.

Adventures of Paddington Bear – Accidents Happen but Positive Attitudes Rule

Paddington Bear isn’t exactly a realistic character in this preschool program, but he indeed is relatable. It seems like Paddington Bear’s adventures usually stem from the well-intentioned mayhem that creates problems. The saving grace of these unexpected adventures is his positive attitude that carries him through. In the end, he usually learns a valuable lesson and all is put to rights. Something that can encourage children at an age when they are still learning important character traits like not giving up.

Strawberry Shortcake – For Greater Awareness of Friends and Social Skills

Strawberry Shortcake may have been a favorite of my generation, and the remake is a lovely step up from preschool programs for a child who is just starting school. The positive messages in each episode usually center around friendship, learning to get along, being aware of how we can hurt someone’s feelings (and how to repair the relationship when we have), and other essential skills a growing child is learning at this age. Sweet and innocent, there is no questionable content for parents to worry about. Just interesting episodes that can lead to great conversations about being aware of others.

The Fixies – Unique STEM Focus for Younger Kids

This hidden gem is a great show for bridging a child’s natural curiosity and the more in-depth STEM focus activities they get later in school. The Fixies are the characters in the show that help fix broken items around the house. They also spend a lot of time getting Tom, the main character in the show, out of trouble. Tom will provide parents some interesting talking points about what not to do, while the Fixies will give your children some insight into the way things around them work.

As parents, we know that shows and online media are things our children will be consuming at some level. Using tools like WildBrain to bring the best programs to our children in a controlled, and easy-to-monitor environment gives us a great way to enhance our parenting. Positive shows with educational, social, or imaginative value enrich our children’s lives.

Visit WildBrain’s website, YouTube hub channel, or Facebook page to see these and hundreds of other videos. Be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel because they are even creating new original content to bring new adventures to some of your children’s favorite characters!

About Author

Renee Kemper

Mother of two active teenagers, living in Arkansas with her Husband, she and her family are energetic outdoor enthusiasts. They can be found Camping, Hiking, Kayaking, and always finding new ways to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. A country girl at heart, but living in the middle of town, she has found creative ways to make the best of both worlds. Founder of thatsjustlife.com and contributing author of The Mom Quilt, she writes and blogs about food, family, and their many adventures.

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6 years ago

Wildbrain was a lifeline when I discovered it too! There were so many mind numbing and plain silly shows on TV and youtube that its unbelievable.
My kids love the shows now and they’re very educational too! I’m glad I’m not the only only one enjoying them!

6 years ago

I remembered those days when I use to sit for an hour and watched all the shows with my daughters. Now they are older and do their own thing.

6 years ago

I remember Caillou from when my cousin was a baby and loved it. My daughter doesn’t watch tv she’s not interested. I’m sure she eventually will and for now I still out on educational shows on for her to have in the background. I’m careful of what we watch while she’s around too.

Natasha Brown
Natasha Brown
6 years ago

My girls loves SSC and Paddington. I have never head of Wildbrain. I’m still on the fence about Calliou. We love the books, but I don’t think I will let them watch the show.

run 3
6 years ago

I have read your article. it is very informative and helpful for me.I admire the valuable information you offer in your articles. Thanks for posting it, again!

6 years ago

My son loves to watch shows on youtube:) I always pick the ‘good’ one without violence etc as long as he can learn sth it’s fine

Terrarium TV
6 years ago

Caillou is my favorite TV Shows. All the latest TV shows and Movies for free on your Android and iOS devices using Terrarium TV.

6 years ago

You describe this very well. I would not do it myself.